New World Duplication Bug

New Duplication Bug And Trading Posts Disabled


A new duplication bug has occurred on many servers. As for 0:44 AM UTC, Trading Posts started to look like this:

New World Duplication Bug 2

This time rare food ingredients and consumables like Honing Stones were duplicated. Guess this is something connected to the server transferring or February Update

Community Manager Luxendra made a notice about what is going on and why the Trading Posts are disabled and warned about the consequences for the use of the exploit:

New World Duplication Bug 3

In its turn, Community Manager TrevzorFTW reported the team is working to address the root cause of the duplication issue. Once again:

New World Duplication Bug 4

This is not the first time massive gold duplications have occurred since the beta test. The developers knew about it and, I guess, the problem is much deeper than just fixing something. It seems there is a problem with the Amazon Lumberyard game engine itself.
