New World December Store Update

December Store Update


After the Winter Convergence Festival was announced, new items were added to the store. All of them are thematically related to the winter events, and most of them are time-limited, so hurry up if you want to buy them.

Greetings Adventurers!

On December 16 a festive and fresh lineup of cosmetic items detailed below will be infused into the in-game store. The Winter Convergence themed cosmetics will be available until January 10. There are a few wintry items showcased below that are available for a shorter window, such as the Festive Deer Bundle and the Court Couture armor skin. These items will be available from December 22 – January 5. Alongside the new items, the Royal Opulence toolset from the November store update will be available for 25% off during this limited window.

Additionally, some of the items being added will stay in the store past the January 10 date. If you don’t see a date below an item, that means it’ll be in the store for the foreseeable future. When the day comes for it to rotate out, we’ll put a countdown timer to alert you when the item will be removed from the store.

Alongside the festive and wintry items added this month, a new type of content is being introduced; camp skins. These change the appearance of your camp in the wilds of Aeternum. All items found below will be available in exchange for Marks of Fortune, New World’s premium in-game currency.

Armor Skins:

Each outfit found below is a complete set, with skins that can be applied to headwear, chestwear, gloves, legwear, and footwear.

New World Midwinter's Majesty Set

Midwinter’s Majesty
“By gleam of gem, finery of fur, and glamour of vivid color, one revels and fights back the chill of the darkest nights of the year.”
Available December 16 – January 10.
Cost: 15,000 Marks of Fortune

New World Spirit Of The Season Set

Spirit Of The Season
“One cuts a distinctive silhouette in the season’s gloom as folk gather for celebratory processions.”
Available December 16 – January 10
Cost: 15,000 Marks of Fortune

New World Voidtouched Armor Set
Voidtouched Armor
“Draw upon the power of the void.”
Cost: 15,000 Marks of Fortune
New World Court Couture Set
Court Couture
“True art is never understood in its own time.”
Available December 22 – January 5
Cost: 10,000 Marks of Fortune

Weapon Skins:

New World Yuletide Rod - Life Staff Weapon Skin
Yuletide Rod – Life Staff Weapon Skin
“Carved in winter and hardened over a burning Yule log, the energies of this staff fill one with the warmth of a cozy hearth.”
Available December 16 – January 10
Cost: 8,500 Marks of Fortune
New World Jack Frost’s Mitts - Ice Gauntlet Weapon Skin
Jack Frost’s Mitts – Ice Gauntlet Weapon Skin
“In the crackle of the forming ice, one can hear the jolly cackle of a dandy demon.”
Available December 16 – January 10
Cost: 8,500 Marks of Fortune
New World Mistletoe Bow - Bow Weapon Skin
Mistletoe Bow – Bow Weapon Skin
“Festoon your prey with festive arrows and deck the halls with your trophies.”
Available December 16 – January 10
Cost: 8,500 Marks of Fortune
New World Holiday’s Edge - Hatchet Weapon Skin
Holiday’s Edge – Hatchet Weapon Skin
“This gilded axe glitters and gleams with the glory of the season.”
Available December 16 – January 10
Cost: 7,500 Marks of Fortune
New World Saturnalian Skewer - Spear Weapon Skin
Saturnalian Skewer – Spear Weapon Skin
“Every kill feels like an offering to the chthonic forces waiting just below the surface of the riotously merry holidays.”
Available December 16 – January 10
Cost: 7,500 Marks of Fortune
New World Wassailing Blade - Rapier Weapon Skin
Wassailing Blade – Rapier Weapon Skin
“Ancient songs and carols fill the head of this sword’s wielder, and often they sing along during the dance of battle. Wassail! Wassail!”
Available December 16 – January 10
Cost: 8,500 Marks of Fortune

Tool Skin Bundles:

New World The Apparatus Supernal Bundle
The Apparatus Supernal
“These wondrous implements represent a lost technology beyond the sciences of any scholar you know.”
Cost: 15,000 Marks of Fortune
New World Hibernal Harvesters Bundle
Hibernal Harvesters
“Gathering resources in the dead of winter can be a grim and gloomy enterprise. Why not warm the heart with glitter and gilt?”
Available December 16 – January 10
Cost: 20,000 Marks of Fortune

Camp Skins:

New World Winter Star Camp Skin
Winter Star
“Protect yourself from the icy winters of Aeternum in a standing tent.”
Cost: 20,000 Marks of Fortune
New World Winter Opulence Camp Skin
Winter Opulence
“Enjoy the view in elegant style with this standing tent.”
Cost: 20,000 Marks of Fortune

Housing Items:

New World Winter Convergence Decor Bundle
Winter Convergence Decor Bundle
“Welcome guests to your home during Winter Convergence, a time of cheer and fear in Aeternum.”
This bundle includes the following housing items (pictured above):
1. Chandelier
2. Garland (x4)
3. Gingerbread Cottage (x2)
4. Tree of Light
5. Presents (x2)
6. Snowman
Available December 16 – January 10
Cost: 14,000 Marks of Fortune
New World Festive Deer Bundle - House Pet And Dye Bundle
Festive Deer Bundle – House Pet And Dye Bundle
“A deer with its own scarf to keep warm against the threat of Forever Winter. Plus some dyes to add seasonal color to your outfits.”
This bundle includes:
the Festive Deer house pet (pictured above), alongside three festively colored dye packs:
1. Smoldering Scarlet
2. Green Grass
3. Twitch Purple
Available December 22 – January 5
Cost: 15,000 Marks of Fortune


Leg Kick Dance
“A traditional dance.”
Cost: 6,000 Marks of Fortune
Belly Laugh
“A big, hearty belly laugh!”
Available December 16 – January 10
Cost: 5,000 Marks of Fortune

Consumable Dye Packs:

New World Winter Dye Pack
To help adjust the aesthetic of your favorite armor pieces in-game, five dye packs will also be available. Each of the dye packs cost 3,000 Marks of Fortune and includes 5 consumable dyes that can be applied to your armor sets.
Available December 16 – January 10.
1. Rouge
2. Green Grass
3. Angelic Satin
4. Fierce Cobalt
5. Crushed Berry

Thanks for your support! We’ll see you in Aeternum.

