Another Server Merge In New World Is Coming Soon
As it was mentioned in the previous digest, the first world merge of Central EU (DE/EN) servers in 2022 took place a few days ago. Ramaja was merged into Avalon in Vanaheim Psi.
For today, a new merge was announced, now for the South American servers.
- Ekur and Lanka will be merged into Devaloka.
- Albur, Kitezh, will turn into Irkalla.
- Anu and Modun will be merged into Apsu.
The thing is that Anu is an ES/EN server, and it is merging with Modun (BR) into Apsu, a Brazilian server.
Ekur, another ES/EN server, is also merged with Lanka (BR) into a BR Devaloka server.
At the same time, Albur, Kitezh, and Atlantis are Brazilian servers, merging into Irkalla, an ES/EN server.
So, 3 BR servers are merging into one ES/EN, and 2 ES/EN servers are being merged into two BR servers.
There has to be a reason for merging servers this way. I can also guess that server merging is the reason for such short updates.