New World Smelting Guide

Smelting Guide (Updated Up To Patch 1.3.4)


Most MMORPG players are familiar with systems where you have to choose which profession you are going to learn. In New World, you can learn every Trading Skill without any restrictions, and it is one of the most fascinating sides of the game.

This is a true spirit of the frontier, of the newly discovered world, where you can craft yourself a weapon and armor that will never let you down in a battle, furniture for your house, new tools for gathering, potions, and you can craft this out of resources you gathered by yourself. 

All Trading Skills in New World are divided into Crafting, Refining, and Gathering:

New World Trading Skills
Trading Skills

Smelting is a refining skill that allows players to smelt ingots at the Smelter.

Smelter Tier 5:

New World Tier 5 Smelter

The Tiers of refining stations determine the Tiers of items you can refine. Considering the Taxes, choose the Settlement with the lowest ones. 

Note* that the Refining fee doesn’t reduce with the Station Fee bonus cards and other bonuses.

The level of the Crafting and Refining stations along with the Taxes can be checked by clicking on the Town on the World Map.

New World Crafting Refining Taxes
Crafting, Refining, Taxes

Note* time is money, friend. Sometimes it’s way more profitable and effective to buy the ingredients at the Trading Post instead of farming them by yourself.

Roughly said, if you need 1000 Charcoal, and you have a character level 60 with 200 Mining / Harvesting / Logging, buy those Charcoals or Wood and use your time to mine Orichalcum Veins or other higher tier ingredients for a much better gold per hour result.

Additional Items Craft Chance

The basis is calculated by 4 factors:

  1. The base chance for that Tier to create extra items. The Base Chance is a predetermined value that is set for each refined material and cannot be changed directly. Many of the Tier V items like Asmodeum also have a base chance of -20%;
  2. The Trading Skill level divided by a factor of 10;
  3. The refining material used;
  4. The difference in Tier between the refined material and the refining agent increases by 0,25 for each Tier above the refined material and decreases by 0,05 for each Tier of the refining agent below the refined material. 

For the basic Tier 3 refined materials, the first Tier increase of 0,25 has a value of 0. This 0 is ignored by the game and the next value of 0,5 is used instead.

Precious Ingots (Silver, Gold and Platinum) follow a slightly different setup than the basic refining materials. The base chances for material have been knocked down a Tier. 

Though Tier 2 shows in the data that it should have a -2% base chance, it appears to not take this into consideration in-game. 

You will also notice that each difference between the Tier of material and the Tier of refining agent correctly uses the 0,25 increase for each step.

For example, you smelt 75 Steel Ingots using Shelldust Flux, and your refining skill is 100. 

The base chance for Steel Ingots is -2%. 

We add a 10% chance because 100 Refining Skill divided by 10 is 10. 

This gives us a Base Extra Material Chance of 8%. 

Steel Ingots are Tier III, Shelldust Flux is Tier IV. 

This 1 level positive difference in refining material for Tier 3 basic material gives a 50% increased chance for extra material.

So we have 8% + 50% = 58% for a potential addition of up to 43,5 materials, which round to 43 or 44 materials over time.

Mathematically this looks like this:

Flux choosing depends on your server pricing. Commonly said, the bigger the net material craft price / flux price ratio is, the more you want to use higher Tier flux.

Let’s count it, taking as an example the prices from Valhalla, US East.

The net cost of 1 craft of the Steel Ingot is 1,9 gold.

The price for Sand Flux is 1,25 gold, and the chance for crafting the additional items is 3% at Smelting level 50, so you’ll receive 1,03 Steel Ingots for 3,15 gold or 0,32 Steel Ingots per coin.

The price for Shelldust Flux is 1,75 gold, and the chance for crafting the additional items is 53% at Smelting level 50, so you’ll receive 1,53 Steel Ingots for 3,65 gold or 0,42 Steel Ingots per coin.

The price for the Obsidian Flux is 2,5 gold, and the chance for crafting the additional items is 78% at Smelting level 50, so you’ll receive 1,78 Steel Ingots for 4,4 gold or 0,40 Steel Ingots per coin.

In this case, the Shelldust Flux is the most optimal choice.

But if we take a look at Starmetal Ingot, the situation will be totally different.

Its net cost is 9,5 gold per craft, and the Obsidian Flux is more profitable in this case. 

Using Sand Flux will give you a 0% chance for crafting the additional items at Smelting level 100, so you’ll receive 0,093 Starmetal Ingots per coin.

Using Shelldust Flux will give you a 5% chance for crafting the additional items at Smelting level 100, so you’ll receive 1,05 Starmetal Ingots for 11,25 gold or 0,093 Starmetal Ingots per coin.

Using Obsidian Flux will give you a 30% chance for crafting the additional items at Smelting level 100, so you’ll receive 1,3 Starmetal Ingots for 12 gold or 0,108 Starmetal Ingots per coin.

For Orichalcum Ingot, which is Tier 5 common material, the calculation will be pretty similar. Its net cost is 32,5 gold per craft. 

Using Sand Flux will give you a 0% chance for crafting the additional items at Smelting level 150, so you’ll receive 0,029 Orichalcum Ingots per coin.

Using Shelldust Flux will give you a 3% chance for crafting the additional items at Smelting level 150, so you’ll receive 1,03 Orichalcum Ingots for 34,25 gold or 0,03 Orichalcum Ingots per coin.

Using Obsidian Sandpaper will give you an 8% chance for crafting the additional items at Smelting level 150, so you’ll receive 1,08 Orichalcum Ingots for 35 gold or 0,031 Orichalcum Ingots per coin.

To increase the yield, you can use Smelter’s Equip. Every part gives you a +2% yield when smelting, which means a +10% bonus can be obtained wearing a full set.

This is how some tier V items such as Asmodeum will have a max 10% chance for extra materials.

New World Smelter's Smock
Smelter’s Smock
New World Smelter's Set
Smelter’s Set

It consists of: Smelter’s Headgear, Smelter’s Smock, Smelter’s Mitts, Smelter’s Pants, and Smelter’s Shoes and can be received from the Package of Specialized Smelting Materials from 1.3.4 patch:

New World Smelting Materials
Smelting Materials

Refining Material Conversion

In case Flux is very expensive on your server for some reason, you can convert other refining agents into Flux using a Material Converter. It can be bought from the Faction Representative.

Common Material Converter is available on level 2 Faction Rank for 100 Faction Tokens:

New World Common Material Converter
Common Material Converter

Conversion requires 20 pieces of any other refining reagent of the same Tier and gives 15 Flux. Material Converter will be consumed:

New World Sand Flux
Sand Flux

Advanced Material Converter can be bought for 200 Faction Tokens on level 3 Faction Rank.

It is used for the conversion of Tier 4 refining agents:

New World Shelldust Flux
Shelldust Flux

Masterwork Material Converter costs 500 Faction Token and requires Faction Rank 4. 

With Masterwork Material Converter, you can convert Tier 4 refining agents:

New World Obsidian Flux
Obsidian Flux

Leveling The Smelting

Note: take town Taxes into account.

If you want to farm ingredients by yourself, for more information, please check the links to our Logging and Mining Guides. Don’t forget to use Proficiency Boosters while farming.

1. 0-50 Smelting Leveling

To increase Smelting from 0 to 50, you need 14 065 XP. For Tier 2, refining the XP received is calculated as follows: 

Quantity of Ingredients x 9 XP = XP Output.

1.1. Charcoal is something you’ll always need. Tons and tons of charcoal. To achieve level 50 Smelting, you’ll have to craft 782 Charcoal, which requires 1 564 Wood:

New World Charcoal

You can use any kind of wood, and using Green Wood is not always an optimal way. Check the Trading Post prices first because Aged Wood or Wyrdwood might be cheaper on some servers:

New World Select Wood

1.2. Iron Ingots require 4 Iron Ore each. You’ll need to craft 391 pieces or 1 564 Iron Ore to get to level 50 Smelting:

New World Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot

1.3. Silver Ingots requires 4 Silver Ore per piece, giving the same amount of XP. Actually, just refine what you need now or which ore costs less:

New World Silver Ingot
Silver Ingot

Note* it has a -2% base chance on crafting extra items.

2. 50-100 Smelting Leveling

To increase Smelting from 50 to 100, you need 152 925 XP. For Tier 3, refining the XP received is calculated as follows: 

Quantity of Ingredients x 38 XP = XP Output.

2.1. Steel Ingot is a default choice unless Golden and Silver Ore are much cheaper on your server. 

You’ll have to craft 671 Steel Ingots, which require:

2 013 Iron Ingots or 8 052 Iron Ore;

671 Flux;

1 342 Charcoal.

Note* it has a -2% base chance on crafting extra items.

New World Steel Ingot
Steel Ingot

2.2. Leveling Smelting by crafting Gold Ingots is reasonable if you want to level Smelting fast and it’s the cheapest ore you can get or if you’re going to refine them to Platinum Ingots and Orichalcum Ingots.

Note* it has a -5% base chance on crafting extra items.

You’ll need 504 crafts:

2 520 Gold Ore;

1 008 Silver Ingots or 4 032 Silver Ore;

504 Flux.

New World Gold Ingot
Gold Ingot

3. 100-150 Smelting Leveling

To increase Smelting from 100 to 150, you need 1 187 050 XP. For Tier 4, refining the XP received is calculated as follows: 

Quantity of Ingredients x 185 XP = XP Output.

3.1. Using the Obsidian Flux for smelting Starmetal Ingots is usually more profitable because the ratio of the Ingot / Flux price is pretty high. There might be exceptions on some low populated servers, of course.

Note* it has a -5% base chance on crafting extra items.

You’ll need 584 Starmetal Ingots:

3 504 Starmetal Ore;

1 168 Steel Ingots;

584 Obsidian Flux;

1 168 Charcoal.

New World Starmetal Ingot
Starmetal Ingot

3.2. Platinum Ingot can be used in Orichalcum Ingot crafting. It might be a proper way of leveling Smelting, but count the net price for the ingot and check its selling price at the Trading Post first.

Note* it has a -7% base chance on crafting extra items.

713 Ingots are required to get to level 150 Smelting:

4 278 Platinum Ore;

1 426 Gold Ingots;

713 Obsidian Flux.

New World Platinum Ingot
Platinum Ingot

4. 150-200 Smelting Leveling

To increase Smelting from 150 to 200, you need 9 796 875 XP. For Tier 5, refining the XP received is calculated as follows: 

Quantity of Ingredients x 770 XP = XP Output.

4.1. Here, you actually have 2 options, and both recipes have a -7% base chance on crafting extra items. The first one is crafting Orichalcum Ingots using Starmetal Ingots.

You’ll have to craft 979 Orichalcum Ingots, which require:

7 832 Orichalcum Ore;

1 958 Starmetal Ingots;

979 Obsidian Flux;

1 958 Charcoal.

New World Orichalcum Ingot
Orichalcum Ingot

4.2. The second option is also Orichalcum Ingots crafting, but this time we’ll use Platinum Ingots.

Choosing the way of leveling Smelting depends only on your server prices. If you choose to use Platinum Ingots, you’ll need 909 ingots:

7 272 Orichalcum Ore;

2 727 Platinum Ingot;

909 Obsidian Flux;

1 818 Charcoal.

New World Orichalcum Ingot 2
Orichalcum Ingot

Aptitude System

After reaching level 200 Smelting, you will continue to gain XP for refining, but it will increase your Aptitude Counter. Each Aptitude Level is split into 3 equal parts, each one of them giving you a reward cache.

New World Smelting Aptitude System
Smelting Aptitude System

Once you complete a whole Aptitude Level, your Counter goes up by one, so you could check how many you progress in this Trading Skill, and you start over. The Aptitude Counter number doesn’t affect anything like the chances of receiving items from the Aptitude Boxes and doesn’t have a max level:

New World Smelting Resources Package
Smelting Resources Package

1/3 – 804,375 experience, Parcel of Smelting Materials: 20-50 Obsidian Flux, 3-5 Cinnabar, 3-5 Tolvium, and a chance for a Vial of Suspended Azoth.

2/3 – 1,608,750 experience, Crate of Smelting Materials: 20-100 Obsidian Flux, 3-10 Cinnabar, 3-10 Tolvium, and 1-2 Vials of Suspended Azoth.

3/3 – 2,413,125 experience, Package of Specialized Smelting Materials: 20-150 Obsidian Flux, 3-15 Cinnabar, 3-15 Tolvium, 2-3 Vials of Suspended Azoth, and a chance of receiving Smelter’s Equip since 1.3.4 patch.
