New World Outpost Rush Guide NWNEWS.INFO

Outpost Rush Guide (Updated Up To Patch 1.3.4)


Outpost Rush is a 20 v 20 PvPvE (player versus environment) event in New World, which means you have to fight against other players and NPC enemies at the same time. If there are not enough players in the queue, the game can switch to a 16 v 16 format. This event is not tied to Factions, players can team up with any player they choose. 

Whichever team hits 1,000 points first, wins. Points can be earned by holding an Outpost, or killing other players. The match takes 45 minutes, or before one side hits 1000 points.

Your equipment doesn’t lose its durability if you die in Outpost Rush, but you’ll lose all resources and tokens you have.

Speak with your Faction representative to join Outpost Rush as an individual or as a group. If you’re joining as a group, form one before starting. Only one person from the group should be in town to start the event. The notifications will show how many players are currently entering your lobby.

New World Outpost Rush Menu
Outpost Rush Menu

Upon receiving the notification, press F1 to enter the instanced map.


The Outpost Rush takes place on the instanced map of Nauthynos Island. All joined players will be automatically assigned to one of two teams, if you were in a group before joining the event, you’ll stay with it. 

Each team starts from the home fort. Between those two forts, there are three Outposts that can be captured  if you have more people on it than the other team:

Astra Outpost – located north of the map.

Sol Outpost – located in the center of the map.

Luna Outpost – located south of the map.

New World Outpost Rush Gameplay Screenshot 1

Outpost Rush is not only about PvP, you can help your team by gathering resources to improve the Outposts’ defenses.

Gates can be upgraded, but for the moment, still can be destroyed easily. Building Outpost Gate requires 40 Infused Wood for T1, and 40 Infused Wood with 40 Infused Ore to upgrade them up to T2. 

New World Outpost Rush Gates Upgrade
Outpost Gate Upgrade Process

The Command Post provides armor and damage increase for your team nearby. Upgrading the Command Post will give you some damage buff and damage reduction buffs, as well as generating Battle Tokens (or Azoth).

New World Command Post Upgrade
Command Post Upgrade Process

Siege weapons can be built on the walls of the Outpost and outside it, but don’t seem to do a lot of damage. 

To build a Repeater Turret, 50 Infused Wood and 25 Infused Rawhide for T1 is required. 

New World Repeater Turret Building Process
Repeater Turret Building Process

To build an Explosive Turret, you need 50 Infused Wood and 25 Infused Ore for T1.

New World Explosive Turret Building Process
Explosive Turret Building Process

The enemy team has to destroy Protection Wards before capturing the point. It also provides a respawn point. To build Protection Ward, Rawhide and Ore are required.

New World Protection Ward Building Process
Protection Ward Building Process


Infused Ore can be obtained from Infused Ore Vein. They are guarded by the Corrupted and two mini-bosses, Ug and Dug.

New World Infused Ore Vein Location In Outpost Rush
Infused Ore Vein Location In Outpost Rush

Rawhide can be obtained from wolves. A mini-boss called Alpha Wolf will also give you 50 Azoth. 

New World Wolves Location In Outpost Rush
Wolves Location In Outpost Rush

Infused Wood is found in Ancient Groves, which are protected by aggressive woodland creatures.

New World Infused Wood Location In Outpost Rush
Infused Wood Location In Outpost Rush

Azoth Essence can be gained by killing mobs or defeating players, which drop resources on death.

So don’t lose all resources you’ve collected; deposit them in storage. If the Outpost is captured by other teams, the stored resources will be left in that Outpost which they will own. Your team can access it and use those resources to continue upgrading.

New World Azoth Exchange On Potions
Exchange Azoth On Potions In Armory

At the Armory, you can exchange Azoth for potions, summoning totems, and food. 

Zephyr Cakes will increase your speed by 10%, while Battle Bread will increase your damage and defense against other players by 5%. Monster’s Slayer’s Stew can give you +15% damage in PvE.

New World Outpost Rush Food To Increase Stats
Outpost Rush Food To Increase Stats

Summoning Monsters

Summoning Circles are placed in strategic locations and can be used to summon beasts. Note that only one summoned monster of every kind can exist at the same time. You cannot summon one more if any of the teams already did it. 

There are 3 types of Summoning Stones:

  1. Ursine Summoning Stone (125 Azoth Essence) to summon the Guardian Bear. Can be killed pretty easily and doesn’t take many problems;
  2. Wraith Summoning Stone (drops from Ug and Dug) to summon Wraith. It has pretty serious damage and can make some mess being summoned near the enemy team. You can also summon Wraith near the base backdoor. It does significant damage and brings more chaos to the battlefield;
New World Outpost Rush Wraith Summoning Stone
Wraith Summoning Stone
  1. Brute Summoning Stone (500 Azoth Essence at Nauthynos Corrupted Portal): to summon Corrupted Brute.
New World Outpost Rush Brute Summoning Stone
Outpost Rush Brute Summoning Stone

The most efficient strategy for the current moment is to summon the Brute in the middle point near the door from your opponent’s side.

New World Outpost Rush Brute Summoning Stone 2
Brute Summoning Process

Baroness Hain

Baroness Hain is a boss which will spawn to the east of Nauthynos Island in 10 minutes after the match starts. 

New World Outpost Rush Baroness Hain Boss Location
Outpost Rush Baroness Hain Boss Location

Killing the boss gives the team 3-minutes of health regeneration and protection 15% buff and will have the opposing team’s points frozen for 3 minutes. 

Baroness Hain will respawn every 10 minutes.

Funny thing is that Powder Keg does damage Baroness Hain, and 5-6 barrels is enough to kill her. This might be fixed in future updates.

Outpost Rush Rewards

New World Outpost Rush Rewards
Outpost Rush Reward

The amount of Coin and Azoth you get depends on whether you won or lost. The losing team gets 270 Coin, 175 Azoth, and Tier V Outpost Rush Cache as well.


What is the Outpost Rush in New World?

Outpost Rush is a 20 v 20 endgame PvP (with some PvE thrown in) event in New World.

How to participate in Outpost Rush?

You have to be level 60. Speak with your Faction representative to participate.

How to win in Outpost Rush?

Get 1000 points faster than the other team does by holding the Outposts, killing players, mobs etc.

What is the best strategy to win in Outpost Rush?

The most efficient strategy for the current moment is to summon the Brute in the middle point near the Outpost door from your opponent’s side.
