New World Trophies Guide

Ultimate Trophies Guide (Updated Up To Patch 1.3.4)


Trophies are unique furnishings for Houses in New World that grant passive buffs for your character. They are not bound to the Territory, you own a House. You always benefit from your Trophy buffs. Each house has a place for five unique Trophies at a time. You can’t place the same Trophy in one house multiple times, but you can place that same Trophy in each of your houses since the effects are stacking. 

All Trophies are obtained through New World’s crafting system. You need to have certain items in your inventory to make the recipe visible at the Workshop. Those items are random drops from the monsters and chests and can be traded, but very rare.

Tier 2 trophies can be crafted at 75 Furnishing level, Tier 3 trophies can be crafted at 150 Furnishing level, and Tiers 4 and 5 – at maximum 200 Furnishing level.

Combat Trophies

 A trophy that inspires you when battling certain enemies. For example, Corrupted Combat trophy:

New World Corrupted Combat Trophy
Combat Trophy
TierEffectEffect Type Of The EnemySpecial Item To CraftWhere To Find
2Grants a 3% damage bonusAncient CreaturesNO
Corrupted CreaturesNO
Lost CreaturesNO
Wildlife CreaturesNO
Angry Earth CreaturesNO
3Grants a 4% damage bonusAncient CreaturesAncient FemurAncients level 35+, Crate of Furnishing Materials
Corrupted CreaturesCorrupted CrestCorrupted level 35+, Crate of Furnishing Materials
Lost CreaturesEctoplasmic EssenceLost level 35+, Crate of Furnishing Materials
Wildlife CreaturesPristine Wolf ClawTimber Wolf (Logging), Crate of Furnishing Materials
Angry Earth CreaturesBarkfleshAngry Earth level 35+, Crate of Furnishing Materials
4Grants a 5% damage bonusAncient CreaturesAncient MandibulThe Surgeon, Skyview Repose, Reekwater
Corrupted CreaturesCorrupted TotemPit Lord Daehi, West Illurmin, Shattered Mountain
Lost CreaturesEphemeral SealMordici the Mortician, Skysong Crypt, Ebonscale Reach
Wildlife CreaturesPristine Bear ClawGrizzly Bear, Black Bear
Angry Earth CreaturesGlowing SapBaines, Seniab, Edengrove
Ancient Guardians are the skeletal enemies adorned in regal clothing. You can find them guarding obelisks and other large-scale ruins found throughout Aeternum.
Angry Earth enemies are nature-themed enemies mutated with bark-like skin and similar nature-themed traits.
Corrupted refers to enemies covered in a black and/or red glow. Corruption Breaches are the most common source of Corrupted enemies.
The Lost are glorified citizens and spectral enemies that inhabit most of Aeternum’s ruined towns, farms, and cemeteries.
Wildlife refers to any of the wild animals that roam around the New World’s various zones. Wolves, Bears, and Lynxes are just a few enemies that fall under this category.

Crafting Trophies

 A trophy that inspires you when making certain equipment. Grants a bonus when using crafting stations for your certain profession. For example, Weaponsmithing trophy:

New World Weaponsmithing Trophy
Weaponsmithing Trophy
TierEffectProfessionSpecial Item To CraftWhere To Find
2Gear you craft has a Minimum Gear Score Bonus of 3 (2 for Armoring)ArcanaNO
3Gear you craft has a Minimum Gear Score Bonus of 4ArcanaAncient TextsLarge Chests and Stockpiles in zones level 35+, Crate of Furnishing Materials
Armoring and JewelcraftingArmorer’s JournalLarge Chests and Stockpiles in zones level 35+, Crate of Furnishing Materials
EngineeringEngineer’s Technique ManualsLarge Chests and Stockpiles in zones level 35+, Crate of Furnishing Materials
WeaponsmithingQuartermaster NoteLarge Chests and Stockpiles in zones level 35+, Crate of Furnishing Materials
4Gear you craft has a Minimum Gear Score Bonus of 5ArcanaPhilosopher’s StoneLarge Chests and Stockpiles in zones level 55+
Armoring and JewelcraftingPrecision Armoring ToolsLarge Chests and Stockpiles in zones level 55+
EngineeringPrecision Engineering ToolsLarge Chests and Stockpiles in zones level 55+
WeaponsmithingForgemaster’s NoteLarge Chests and Stockpiles in zones level 55+

Armoring trophy influences the Gear Score of any Armoring and Jewelcrafting items you make.

Gathering Trophies

 A trophy that inspires you when you gather certain resources in the wilderness. Increasing the chances of obtaining rare resources. For example, Mining trophy:

New World Gathering Trophy
Gathering Trophy
TierEffectProfessionSpecial Item To CraftWhere To Find
2Increases your Luck by 500 (0.5%)MiningNO
3Increases your Luck by 1,000 (1%)MiningSurveyor’s ToolsLarge Chests and Stockpiles in zones level 35+, Crate of Furnishing Materials
SkinningNotes of Aeternum FaunaLarge Chests and Stockpiles in zones level 35+, Crate of Furnishing Materials
HarvestingJournal of Aeternum FloraLarge Chests and Stockpiles in zones level 35+, Crate of Furnishing Materials
LoggingLumberjack’s TokenLarge Chests and Stockpiles in zones level 35+, Crate of Furnishing Materials
4Increases your Luck by 1,500 (1.5%)MiningAdamantine DustLarge Chests and Stockpiles in zones level 55+
SkinningTracker’s SealLarge Chests and Stockpiles in zones level 55+
HarvestingMercurial TokenLarge Chests and Stockpiles in zones level 55+
LoggingPure ResinLarge Chests and Stockpiles in zones level 55+

Cooking Crafting Trophy

New World Cooking Crafting Trophy
Cooking Crafting Trophy
TierEffectSpecial Item To CraftWhere To Find
2Increases your Cooking Luck by 1,000 (1%)NO
3 Increases your Cooking Luck by 2,000 (2%)Chef’s Secret TechniquesLarge Chests and Stockpiles in zones level 35+, Crate of Furnishing Materials
4Increases your Cooking Luck by 3,000 (3%)Chef’s Secret CookbookLarge Chests and Stockpiles in zones level 55+

Fishing Gathering Trophy

New World Fishing Gathering Trophy
Fishing Gathering Trophy
TierEffectSpecial Item To CraftWhere To Find
2Increases your Fishing Luck by 2,500 (2.5%)NO
3Increases your Fishing Luck by 5,000 (5%)Taxidermied Blue-blooded BarbBlue-blooded Barb
4Increases your Fishing Luck by 9,000 (9%)Taxidermied DaemonajaDaemonaja

Loot Luck Trophy

It grants a bonus to finding rare items from chests and monsters.

New World Loot Luck Trophy
Loot Luck Trophy
TierEffectSpecial Item To CraftWhere To Find
3Grants a global Luck bonus of 50 (0.05%)Rabbit’s FootRabbits (Skinning), Crate of Furnishing Materials
4Grants a global Luck bonus of 100 (0.1%)Stacked DeckLarge Chests and Stockpiles in zones level 35+, Crate of Furnishing Materials
5Grants a global Luck bonus of 150 (0.15%)Loaded DiceLarge Chests and Stockpiles in zones level 55+

As of writing, this is the only T5 Trophy that exists in the New World. While its Luck increase is minimal at best, this impacts every loot source in New World.

There are two ways of luck to interpret in New World:

  1. An overall scale that you can think of as a ratio of when things occur or a chance to occur.
  2. A relative scale that has a movable odds range based on other values we add into it.

Things like enemies and searchable containers use Method №1 above, where anything in their drop list can occur, and your luck stat increases the likelihood of you getting the less common items in the list. 

Luck doesn’t increase your chance to get higher gear score rolls or roll more perks, but it does increase your chances of seeing item drops that have higher chances of rolling bonuses.

Gatherables (but not Fishing) use method №2 above. As your Luck stat increases, it gradually enables new items to drop from the tables. For more information about the Luck system, you can check our Crucial Tips For Newbies In New World and find some more useful things in it.


What are the Trophies in New World?

Furnishings that grant passive bonuses for a character.

How to apply the Trophies in New World?

Place them in your house.

How many Trophies can I have in New World?

Five different trophies per house, which means you can stack each bonus three times if you have three houses.

Where can I get the Trophies in New World?

You can craft them at the Workshop or buy them at the Trading Post.

Where can I get the recipes for crafting trophies in New World?

They will appear since you’ll have a certain item in your inventory.
