New World Engineering Guide

Engineering Guide (Updated Up To Patch 1.3.4)


Most MMORPG players are familiar with systems where you have to choose which profession you are going to learn. In New World, you can learn every Trading Skill without any restrictions, and it is one of the fantastic sides of the game.

This is a true spirit of the frontier, of the newly discovered world, where you can craft yourself a weapon and armor that will never let you down in a battle, furniture for your house, new tools for gathering, potions, and you can craft this out of resources you gathered by yourself. 

All Trading Skills in New World are divided into Crafting, Refining, and Gathering:

New World Trading Skills
Trading Skills

Engineering is a crafting skill that allows players to craft ranged weapons – Bows, Muskets, ammo for them – Arrows, Cartridges, Gathering tools, Proficiency Boosters, Repair Kits at the Workshop. 

Tier 5 Workshop:

New World Tier 5 Workshop
Tier 5 Workshop

And Hatchets and Spears at the Forge.

Forge Tier 5:

New World Tier 5 Forge
Tier 5 Forge

The Tiers of crafting stations determine the Tiers of items you can craft. Considering the crafting Taxes, choose the Settlement with the lowest ones. 

Note that the Refining fee doesn’t reduce with the Station Fee bonus cards and other bonuses.

The level of the Crafting and Refining stations, along with the Taxes, can be checked by clicking on the Town on the World Map:

New World Crafting Refining Taxes
Crafting Refining Taxes

Note* Time is money, friend. Sometimes it’s way more profitable and effective to buy the ingredients at the Trading Post instead of farming them by yourself.

Roughly said, if you need 1000 Flint and have a character level 60 with 200 Mining, buy the Flint and use your time to mine Orichalcum Veins for a much better gold per hour result.

Besides, you can sell the ingredients you gathered and buy cheaper analogs, saving a lot of money this way. More information about ingredient choosing will be stated below.

Using Azoth In New World Crafting System

Adding Azoth to the crafted items gives you more Perks, Gem Slots, or Attributes depending on the item you craft. Don’t use it if you’re crafting lots of items to increase your Trading Skill level:

New World Adding Azoth
Adding Azoth

For example, crafting an Orichalcum Hatchet without Azoth has a low chance of adding a Gem Slot and Perk #2 and a medium chance on Perk #1:

New World Orichalcum Hatchet
Crafting Orichalcum Hatchet without Azoth

By adding a maximum amount of Azoth for this weapon, we receive almost a 100% chance of getting three additional bonuses:

New World Orichalcum Hatchet with Azoth
Crafting Orichalcum Hatchet with Azoth

Azoth adding is crucial for crafting Gathering Tools for sale or your own use. Without it, you have low chances of getting perks:

New World Starmetal Logging Axe

A maximum amount of Azoth grants you a 100% chance to get all three random perks:

Every item has its own Azoth limit depending on the item Tier and Gear Score. If you use a Special Resource to add a perk, the Azoth amount required will be decreased to the previous stage, for example, 30 Azoth instead of 45:

Starmetal Harvesting Sickle

You can acquire Azoth in several ways. Main story quests give you a lot of Azoth, so don’t complete them if you’re close to the cap, which is 1000 Azoth. Sidequest also gives you some amount. 

It can be achieved by killing mobs randomly.

To get more Azoth, you can use Gathering Tools with the Azoth Extraction perk, for example:

New World Starmetal Skinning Knife
Starmetal Skinning Knife

And bags with Azoth Attuned perk:

Layered Leather Adventurer's Satchel
Layered Leather Adventurer’s Satchel

The last way to gain Azoth is to buy it from Trading Post – it gives you 50 Azoth:

Vial Of Suspended Azoth
Vial of Suspended Azoth

Item Perks

While crafting any item, you receive random Attributes and Perks. By adding Special Resources, obtainable from mobs and chests around the world or bought at the Trading Post, you can receive Attributes and Perks you need with a 100% chance:

Special Resource Adding
Special Resource Adding

There are lots of options for weapons:

Special Resource Selection NWNEWS.INFO
Special Resource Selection

While most Perks are bound to a specific weapon, some are pretty widely applicable:

1. Keen:

New World Jagged Animal Claw
Jagged Animal Claw

2. Vicious:

New World Pristine Whetstone
Pristine Whetstone

3. Rogue:

New World Whetstone

4. Enchanted:

New World Worn Whetstone
Worn Whetstone

5. Keenly Jagged:

New World Pristine Animal Claw
Pristine Animal Claw

Gathering Tools has fewer options:

New World Select Special Resource
Select Special Resource

1. Basically, you need to increase the yield of the resources by 10-19% depending on the Gear Score of your Tools, for example:

New World Orichalcum Botanists Charm
Orichalcum Botanists Charm

2. Gathering Speed Increasing is also a nice and wide applicable bonus:

New World Silver of Enchanted Earth
Silver of Enchanted Earth

3. While leveling your Gathering skills, you might want to have 3-9,4% more experience:

New World Steel's Botanists Charm
Steel’s Botanists Charm

4. Azoth Extraction is also pretty useful since you need it for crafting and fast traveling:

New World Drop of Azoth Oil
Drop of Azoth Oil

5. Gathering Luck increasing is almost useless before you hit endgame content because, let’s be honest, most rare items you can get on low and mid-levels are worth nothing in gold:

New World Starmetal Botanist's Charm
Starmetal Botanist’s Charm

6. Gathering Alacrity cannot be randomly obtained through the crafting system. The only way to get it is to apply a Small Elk Hoof:

New World Small Elk Hoof
Small Elk Hoof

Timeless Shards

Timeless Shards enables players to craft a Weapon with a specific Attribute on it while still being able to use a Craft Mod to guarantee a perk. They’re specific for each Weapon type:

New World Timeless Hatchet Shard
Timeless Hatchet Shard

To use the Timeless Shard, you need Engineering level 200, and ten Crafting Mods used to receive the Attribute you want. Timeless Shards can only be applied to Tier 5 Weapons, don’t offer Attribute combinations, and cannot be applied to the items that already have some cosmetic component:

New World Orichalcum Hatchet With Timeless Shards

If you have several sets of ten Craft Mods, all variants will be listed:

New World Timeless Shard Hatchet Craft Mod Sets
Timeless Shard Hatchet Craft Mod Sets

Timeless Shards are guaranteed to drop from Expedition Bosses and have a chance to drop from:

  1. Elite Supply Chests in Expeditions and Elite Landmarks;
  2. Any named mob 60+ level;
  3. Aptitude Crates from Crafting skills.

Ingredients Selecting System

There are three major kinds of recipes in New World. The first type allows you to choose the ingredients you want to use, the second type has a set list of items, and the last type requires a special item in your bag. 

Some of the recipes are opened automatically while you level up your Trading skill. Others can be obtained randomly from the chests and mobs or bought at the Trading Post.

For the first type of these recipes, you can choose the ingredients you are using to craft items. To see which ingredients you can use for crafting, click in the Ingredient window and unpin the Owned Items:

New World Ingredient Window

The Tier of the primary ingredient determines the Tier of the crafted item, so you cannot use, for example, Tier 5 ingredient for a Tier 3 item:

New World Tier of The Crafted Items

The Tier and rarity of the secondary and tertiary ingredients impact the gear score of the item being crafted. There are no restrictions for the Tier of the ingredients here.

Using high Tier rare ingredients will increase the maximum and minimum possible Gear Score of the item you craft, and, at the same time, its bonuses (Gathering Speed, Basic Attack, Armor Rating, Attribute number) with character level requirements.

On the other hand, using lower compared to the item level Tier ingredients will decrease its Gear Score, bonuses, and level requirements.

The Gear Scores shown in the table are compared to what they would be if you used only common ingredients for that Tier. If the Tier of the item you craft is lower than the ingredient Tier, modifiers will stack and increase the possible Gear Score considering every Tier and rarity upgrade. 

If the Tier of the item you craft is higher than the ingredients you use, the possible Gear Score will reduce considering every Tier and rarity downgrade.

So, if you use a Tier 5 Epic ingredient for a Tier 2 item, you’ll receive +30 to the minimum and +15 to the maximum Gear Score. 

If you use a Tier 2 ingredient for a Tier 5 item, you’ll get -15 to the minimum Gear Score:

Ingredient TierRarityMinimum Possible Gear Score IncreasingMaximum Possible Gear Score Increasing
Tier 2:Common
Tier 3:Common
Common Special (Scaly Hide)+5
Tier 4:Common
Epic Special: (Animal Horn)+15
Tier 5:Common

Let’s see how this system works on a Steel Harvesting Sickle, which is a Tier 3 Gathering Tool. Using Tier 3 Steel Ingot and basic Tier 2 secondary ingredients, you’ll receive the Sickle with characteristics as on the screenshot below:

Steel Harvesting Sickle Using Tier 3 Steel Ingot and basic Tier 2 secondary ingredients

It might have only 250-325% Gathering Speed, but it requires character level 20-34 to use.

Adding Tier 3 Voidmetal as the main ingredient and Tier 5 Epic secondary and tertiary ingredients, you’ll increase the minimum Gear Score up to 380, the potential Gear Score up to 410, and Gathering Speed potential maximum will be 359% and character level requirement possible up to level 41:

Steel Harvesting Sickle Adding Tier 3 Voidmetal as the main ingredient and Tier 5 Epic secondary and tertiary ingredients

The item you receive still has random characteristics. But usually, using higher-tier ingredients means receiving higher gear items.

How To Choose The Ingredients

While crafting, you can use various combinations of the ingredients depending on the Trading Post prices on your server. The prices are different on every server depending on its population and number of crafters and gatherers, and sometimes they are very volatile.

Some ingredients are widely spread, some are used in high-end crafting, while some of them have meager prices due to the large volume of production combined with low usage. 

Refined materials usually cost less than the raw ones because the raw materials are used to increase the Refining Trading Skill level.

Note* Prices may change several times a week. Buy resources at a low price, checking the Trading Post every day. Use Buy Orders.

Leather Ingredients

Let’s check the price for the Leather ingredients on Castle of Steel (US East).

New World Select Leathers
IngredientTierRarityPrice (Gold Per Item)
1.Coarse LeatherTier 2Common0,9
2.RagehideTier 2Uncommon1,0
3.ShadowfurTier 3Rare0,65
4.Scaly HideTier 3Common Special1,5
5.Rugged LeatherTier 3Common1,4
6.Layered LeatherTier 4Common4,7
7.ShifthideTier 4Epic2,2
8.Brightscale HideTier 4Epic2,0
9.Runic LeatherTier 5Epic148,0
10.SmolderhideTier 5Legendary11,0
11.Infused LeatherTier 5Common6,9
12.ScarhideTier 5Legendary11,2

What do those prices mean? As a default secondary material, the crafting system will propose to you the Coarse Leather, which sounds logical – Tier 2 common ingredient for Tier 2 item. 

Since it has the lowest Tier, it should have the lowest price, but usually, it doesn’t.

Even if you’re farming the Rawhide by yourself, it might be more profitable (depending on your Trading Taxes and prices) to sell it and buy Shadowfur, which is a Tier 3 rare ingredient but costs less due to its low usage.

While Brightscale Hide and Shifthide cost about 2 gold, they give you +15 to the minimum possible Gear Score and +5 to the maximum possible Gear Score for Tier 2 item, which is only a +5 increase to the minimum possible Gear Score compared to the Shadowfur.

Smolderhide and Scarhide will give you (for Tier 2 item) +20 to the possible minimum Gear Score and still +5 to the maximum possible Gear Score, which definitely is not worth this price.

Runic Leather gives +30 to the possible minimum Gear Score and +15 to the possible maximum Gear Score for Tier 2 items but costs ten times more than other ingredients because it is widely used in high-end items crafting and is limited in crafting to ten pieces per day for one player.

Refined Wood Ingredients

If we check out the prices for wood, this will be as follows on Castle of Steel:

New World Select Refined Wood
IngredientTierRarityPrice (Gold Per Item)
1.TimberTier 2Common1,3
2.Petrified WoodTier 2Uncommon0,14
3.WhisperwoodTier 3Rare0,5
4.LumberTier 3Common2,7
5.QuillbarkTier 4Epic4,6
6.EbonwoodTier 4Epic13,9
7.Wyrdwood PlanksTier 4Common5,9
8.Animal HornTier 4Epic Special13,25
9.BarbvineTier 5Legendary7,0
10.WildwoodTier 5Legendary6,3
11.Ironwood PlanksTier 5Common11,8
12.Glittering EbonyTier 5Epic62,0

So, a Tier 2 Uncommon ingredient, Petrified Wood, costs less and gives better results than Tier 2 Common ingredient, Timber. Quillbark seems to be the optimal choice to increase the Gear Score of the item you craft.

Metal Ingredients

As for the metals, the same regularity takes place:

New World Select Metals
IngredientTierRarityPrice (Gold Per Item)
1.Iron IngotTier 2Common0,5
2.Fae IronTier 2Uncommon0,45
3.VoidmetalTier 3Rare2,7
4.Steel IngotTier 3Common2,0
5.Blessed CrucibleTier 4Epic12,9
6.Azurite ChunkTier 4Epic7,6
7.Starmetal IngotTier 4Common8,3
8.AsmodeumTier 5Epic353,0
9.CinnabarTier 5Legendary15,5
10.Orichalcum IngotTier 5Common48,0
11.TolviumTier 5Common16,3

Using Fae Iron for leveling your Trading Skills will save you a lot of money, while Azurite Chunk seems to be the best choice to increase the possible Gear Score.

As for Asmodeum, it gives the best result for the highest price. Only 10 ingots per day can be crafted by one player.

Cloth Ingredients

If we take a look at the Cloth ingredients, the whole picture looks pretty the same:

New World Select Cloth
IngredientTierRarityPrice (Gold Per Item)
1.LinenTier 2Common0,6
2.ShadeclothTier 2Uncommon0,2
3.PhasefiberTier 3Rare2,0
4.SateenTier 3Common1,0
5.GlintstrandsTier 4Epic1,5
6.ScalecordTier 4Epic1,6
7.SilkTier 4Common4,7
8.PhoenixweaveTier 5Epic180,0
9.BlisterweaveTier 5Legendary18,9
10.Infused SilkTier 5Common7,9
11.ScaleclothTier 5Legendary14,4

For Trading Skills leveling, you can use Shadecloth instead of the more expensive Linen, and for higher Gear Score Scalecord and Glintstrands fit best for their price and performance ratio unless you’re crafting a high-end item.

Phoenixweave gives the best Gear Score bonuses but is expensive due to its high usage and crafting limits.

Leveling The Engineering

Note* Take town Taxes into account.

To calculate which way is more profitable on your server, count the price for the item first, then follow the formula: 

XP gained per item / crafting price, gold = XP received per 1 coin.

For example, if the price for one craft is 10 gold, and you receive 120 XP, then it’s 12 XP per coin.

You can farm Wood, Leathers, Cloth, and Metals by yourself. For more information, please check the links to our Guides.

If you decide to use Timber, Coarse Leather, Cloth, and Iron Ingots because they cost less on your server, please check our Woodworking, Leatherworking, Weaving, and Smelting guides, and use special Armor sets to increase the yield. Use Tier 5 refining agents to get bonus ingredients.

To minmax the number of Ingots and Wood return back on salvaging, you can put 100 points into Focus:

New World 100 Breakpoint

Leveling Weaponsmithing By Crafting Dungeon Weapon Replicas

If you have access to the special items required to craft dungeon weapon replicas, this may also be a proper way to level your Engineering because they give more XP compared to other weapons of this Tier.

These special items can be farmed in proper dungeons or bought at the Trading House.

Spear, Hatchet and Musket require Metal instead of Wood, so crafting Bows usually gives a better XP per coin ratio.

For example, on level 60 Engineering, you’ll have access to Amrine Temple and Shattered Obelisk replicas:

Amrine Temple Bow
Amrine Temple Bow

  On level 110 Engineering, you can craft the Depths and Dynasty Shipyard replicas:

New World Deepwatcher Bow
Deepwatcher Bow

At last, at level 160 Engineering, you’ll be able to craft Lazarus Instrumentality and Garden of Genesis replicas:

New World Garden Keeper Bow
Garden Keeper Bow

Leveling Weaponsmithing By Bulk Crafting

1. 0-50 Engineering Leveling

To increase Engineering from 0 to 50, you need 11 995 XP

For Tier 2 crafting, the XP received is calculated as follows: 

Quantity of Ingredients x 12 XP = XP Output

1.1. The most common way is to craft Gunpowder

New World Gunpowder

This recipe requires 8 ingredients x 12 XP = 96 XP received

To craft 125 Gunpowder you’ll need:

625 Charcoal

250 Flint

125 Saltpeter

The charcoal can be obtained by refining the wood at the Smelter. Remember, you can use any wood, so use the cheapest one (usually it’s the Aged Wood), don’t waste valuable ingredients for this.

Flint is a common resource widely spread on the sea coasts. One of the best spots is in Monarch’s Bluffs, near the Pirate Cove:

New World Monarch’s Bluffs
Monarch’s Bluffs

The Saltpeter is also a common resource and can be obtained in caves worldwide. One of the easiest spots is in Everfall, in the Ebonrock Quarry:

New World Ebonrock Quarry
Ebonrock Quarry

1.2. Another option is to level Engineering from 0 to 50 by crafting 59 Treated Wood Bow or Treated Wood Fishing Pole. 

New World Treated Wood Bow
Treated Wood Bow

As we stated above, using the cheapest ingredients will save you a lot of money, but you can use refined ingredients for your own reasons. In common, this way is a bit more expensive than leveling with Gunpowder, but the prices are different on every server. You’ll need:

708 Tier 2 Wood

177 Leathers

118 Cloth

2. 50-100 Engineering Leveling

To increase Engineering from 50 to 100, you need to earn 139 725 XP

For Tier 3 crafting, the XP received is calculated as follows: 

Quantity of Ingredients x 45 XP = XP Output

2.1. Since Metals are always more expensive than Wood, the best way is to craft a 173 Aged Wood Fishing Pole or Lacquered Wood Bow

New World Aged Wood Fishing Pole
Aged Wood Fishing Pole

For this, you’ll need:

2 249 Tier 3 Wood (check the prices on your server which one is cheaper)

519 Leathers

346 Cloth

Salvaging the items you craft will return back 1-4 Wood per item, which means you can spare about 240 Wood. 

2.2. Or you can continue crafting Gunpowder (x1 456). But on most servers, it will cost you about twice as much money compared to the mentioned way of leveling. It is better only if you have high prices for Wood on your server or, maybe, you don’t have money to buy ingredients or high-level Gathering skills to farm the ingredients in a more efficient way.

2.3. If for some reason, you want to use Metals instead of Wood and Cloth, you can craft 173 Lacquered Wood Spear, which will take 1 903 Tier 3 Wood, 865 Metals, and 346 Leathers:

New World Lacquered Wood Spear
Lacquered Wood Spear

3. 100-150 Engineering Leveling

In Tier 4 crafting, you need to earn 986 560 XP from level 100 to level 150 Engineering. The crafting  XP is calculated as follows: 

Quantity of Ingredients x 168 XP = XP Output

You have two ways of 100-150 leveling:

3.1. The First one is to craft Aged Wood Fishing Pole because usually, prices for Tier 4 Wood are pretty high compared to Tier 3 Wood. As for the gold spent / XP gained ratio, this way is about 50% more efficient than crafting Tier 4 Pole for most servers. To craft 1 218 Tier 2 Poles, you’ll need:

15 834 Tier 3 Wood (check the prices on your server which one is cheaper)

3 654 Leathers

2 436 Cloth

Salvaging the items you craft will return back 1-4 Wood per item, which means you can spare about 1 500 Wood.

3.2. Another way is crafting 310 Wyrdwood Fishing Pole or Wyrdwood Bow:

New World Wyrdwood Fishing Pole
Wyrdwood Fishing Pole

For this, you’ll need:

4 340 Tier 4 Wood

930 Leathers

620 Cloth

Salvaging the items you craft will return back 1-4 Wood per item, which means you can spare about 400 Wood.

3.3. Spear crafting is also an option, it gives a slightly better XP per coin ratio than Wyrdwood Fishing Pole, requiring less expensive Tier 4 ingredients. You’ll need:

3 720 Tier 4 Wood

1 550 Metals

620 Leathers

New World Wyrdwood Spear
Wyrdwood Spear

Check the prices for Tier 4 Wood at the Trading Post because Epic Ingredients costs less than Common pretty often. You can still use the cheapest Tier 2 Leathers and Cloth as secondary ingredients. 

If you decided to refine Lumber and Wyrdwood Planks due to your server pricing, use the Obsidian Sandpaper and equip the Woodworker’s set to increase the yield. Of course, check the prices on your Trading Post first if the price for Obsidian Sandpaper is low enough. 

4. 150-200 Engineering Leveling

You need 200 only if you want to craft 600 Gear Score items and use Timeless Shards. This is the hardest part because you need 5 046 300 XP from level 150 to level 200. The crafting XP for Tier 5 is calculated as follows: 

Quantity of Ingredients x 504 XP = XP Output

4.1. If you want to power level Engineering up to level 200, you can continue crafting Tier 3 Fishing Poles, those it’ll require ridiculous numbers of items and ingredients, like 6 230 Aged Wood Fishing Poles:

80 990 Tier 3 Wood

18 690 Leathers

12 460 Cloth

They give about 92 XP per coin for the Castle of Steel server.

4.2. One more way to level Engineering fast is to craft 501 Ironwood Spear:

New World Ironwood Spear
Ironwood Spear

Tier 5 Wood is pretty expensive, while secondary ingredients cost much less, so choosing this item instead of Fishing Pole will be more profitable on most servers. Ingredients required:

6 513 Tier 5 Wood

2 505 Metals

1 002 Leathers

Ironwood Spear gives about 118 XP per coin. Salvaging the items you craft will return back 1-4 Wood per item, which means you can spare about 600 Wood.

4.3. Also, you can craft 501 Ironwood Fishing Pole or Ironwood Bow, which require more Tier 5 Wood and give less XP per coin, about 104 for the prices given. This requires:

7 515 Tier 5 Wood

1 503 Leathers

1 002 Cloth

New World Ironwood Fishing Pole
Ironwood Fishing Pole

4.4. The price for Tier 5 Wood is usually less than for Tier 5 Metal on most servers, but crafting other Gathering items is an option depending on your server pricing.

This might let you save some coins, or even earn them while leveling Engineering. Check the prices for Tier 5 Gathering Tools first, taking into account which perks combinations cost more. Usually, it’s a Yield / Luck / with Azoth Extraction / Efficiency combination.

Then calculate the net cost. Use high Tier ingredients, Special Resources, maximum Azoth, and everything to increase the Gear Score.

New World Orichalcum Logging Axe
Orichalcum Logging Axe

Engineering Artifacts

On reaching level 200 Engineering, you’ll be able to craft Legendary 600 Gear Score Weapons. Those Weapons require Forge Tier 5 or Workshop Tier 5 and a specific Artifact Ingredient (without it, they’re not shown in the crafting list), including other high tier ingredients. All of them are bound on pickup type and cannot be traded.

Being an Engineer allows to craft:

TypeNameArtifact IngredientSpecial Ingredient
SpearSoulforged SpearWithered BoughEmbossed Wrapping
HatchetAxe of the AbyssBroken HatchetEmbossed Wrapping
BowWarpwoodSplintered BowEnchanted Bow String
MusketMusket of Unseen PowerFragmented MusketIntricate Firearm Lock

Aptitude System

After reaching level 200 Engineering, you will continue to gain XP for crafting, but it will increase your Aptitude Counter. Each Aptitude Level is split into 3 equal parts, each one of them giving you a reward cache.

New World Engineering Aptitude System
Engineering Aptitude System

Once you complete a whole Aptitude Level, your Counter goes up by one, so you can check how many you progress in this Trading Skill, and you start over. The Aptitude Counter number doesn’t affect anything like chances of receiving items from the Aptitude Boxes and doesn’t have a max level:

New World Engineering Packages

1/3 – 582,120 experience, Parcel of Engineering Materials

2/3 – 1,164,240 experience, Crate of Engineering Materials

3/3 – 1,764,360 experience, Package of Specialized Engineering Materials

The rewards can change from simple Item Perk, Timeless Shards to rare ingredients and patterns from the Package of Specialized Engineering Materials:

New World Pattern Soaked Hatchet
Pattern Soaked Hatchet

The Equipment Patterns are crafting artifacts that will allow you to craft a guaranteed Gear Score 600 item that will have a specific and unique appearance.

The patterns will require a significant amount of high-end crafting resources to

create, and players will have the normal amount of control over the outcome of the perks using Crafting Mods and Azoth.

Maximizing The Engineering

Basic Tier 5 items Gear Score crafted with Tier 5 common ingredients is 500. To increase the minimum and maximum Gear Score of the crafted Engineering items, you can use modifiers to reach 595-600 diapason and receive a 17% chance for a perfect 600 Gear Score item:

ModifierMinimum Gear Score IncreasingMaximum Gear Score Increasing
Engineer Set + Earring+15+15
Trophies x3+15
200 Level Bonus+25
Tier 5 Epic ingredients x3+45+45
Lifestyle Project+5

Engineer Equip

There is a set of special armor for every Trading Skill. Engineer Equip Set can be Tier 4 and Tier 5 (only visual difference). Every part gives you +2 Item Quality for the Engineering Items you craft, which means a +10 bonus can be obtained wearing a full set.

Tier 4 Engineer Set consists of:

New World Engineer Shirt
Engineer Shirt
  • Engineer Hat (looted from Elite Ancient Chests and dropped from mobs and bosses in Caminus, Shattered Mountain);
  • Engineer Shirt (looted from Elite Ancient Chests and dropped from mobs and bosses in Lazarus Instrumentality, Reekwater); 
  • Engineer Pants (looted from Elite Ancient Chests and dropped from mobs and bosses in Ambusti Superior, Shattered Mountain);
  • Engineer Gloves (looted from Elite Ancient Chests and dropped from Scorchvein Supply Guard, Corrupted Rifleman in Scorched Mines, Ambusti Inferior, Shattered Mountain);
  • Engineer Shoes (looted from Elite Ancient Chests and dropped from mobs and bosses in Forecastle Drift, Reekwater).

Tier 5 Engineer Set consists of:

New World Tier 5 Engineer Shirt
Tier 5 Engineer Shirt
  • Engineer Hat (dropped by Caminus Gate Lord in Caminus, Upper Svikin, Shattered Mountain);
  • Engineer Shirt (dropped by Mirepaw in the Congregation, Reekwater);
  • Engineer Pants (dropped by Overseer Levy in Caminus, Upper Svikin, Shattered Mountain);
  • Engineer Gloves (looted from Elite Ancient Chests and dropped from mobs and bosses in Balebane Maw, Great Cleave);
  • Engineer Shoes (looted from Elite Ancient Chests and dropped from mobs and bosses in Balebane Maw, Great Cleave).
New World Engineer Set
Engineer Set

Engineer Mastery perk can be found on the Earring:

New World Engineer Mastery perk
Engineer Mastery Perk

You can craft it with Jewelcrafting using the Orichalcum Engineer’s Charm:

New World Orichalcum Engineer's Charm
Orichalcum Engineer’s Charm

Those earrings can be from 380 Gear Score (32 character level required):

New World Arboreal Brilliant Amber Earring of the Scholar
Arboreal Brilliant Amber Earring of the Scholar

Up to 600 Gear Score, but the Gear Score of the item doesn’t change the Engineering bonus:

New World Reinforced Pristine Onyx Earring of the Fighter
Reinforced Pristine Onyx Earring of the Fighter

Engineer Food

Herb-Roasted Squash increases your minimum and maximum Gear Score when crafting Engineering items by 10. The recipe is obtained automatically on 53 Cooking Skill:

New World Herb-roasted Squash
Herb-roasted Squash

The Creamed Corn increases your minimum and maximum Gear Score when crafting Engineering items by 12. The recipe is a random drop from Provision Stockpiles and Crates, can be bought from the Trading Post, and requires 103 Cooking Skill:

New World Creamed Corn
Creamed Corn

Herb-Crusted Vegetables increase your minimum and maximum Gear Score when crafting Engineering items by 15. The recipe is a random drop from Provision Stockpiles and Crates, can be bought from the Trading Post and requires 153 Cooking Skill:

New World Herb-crusted Vegetables
Herb-crusted Vegetables

Engineering Trophies

Engineering Crafting Trophy grants a bonus when you craft Engineering tools. On Tier 2, you have a +3 Minimum Gear Score Bonus. On Tier 3, you’ll have a Minimum Gear Score Bonus of 4, and on Tier 5, a Minimum Gear Score Bonus of 5:

New World Minor Engineering Crafting Trophy
Minor Engineering Crafting Trophy

Trophies are unique furnishings for Houses in New World that are not bound to the Territory where you own a house. You always benefit from your Trophy buffs. You can not place the same Trophy in one house multiple times, but you can place that same Trophy in each of your houses since the effects are stacking, which grants you a 15 Gear Score Bonus. For more information, please check out our Trophies Guide.

To craft Tier 3 Basic Engineering Crafting Trophy, you’ll need  Engineer’s Technique Manuals, which is a rare drop from Large Chests and Stockpiles in zones level 35+, Crate of Furnishing Materials, and can be bought from the Trading Post:

New World Basic Engineering Crafting Trophy
Basic Engineering Crafting Trophy
New World Engineer's Technique Manuals
Engineer’s Technique Manuals

To craft Tier 4 Major Engineering Crafting Trophy, you’ll need  Precision Engineering Tools, which is a rare drop from Large Chests and Stockpiles in zones level 55+ and can be bought from the Trading Post:

New World Major Engineering Crafting Trophy
Major Engineering Crafting Trophy
New World Precision Engineering Tools
Precision Engineering Tools

Improve Lifestyle Projects

Town Projects are community quests that allow upgrading a specific part of a settlement. A town project can be started by the territory’s Governor, after which any player in the controlling faction can contribute by completing special tasks:

New World Forge Upgrade

The Improve Lifestyle Projects grant a bonus lasts 3 days to the quantity of harvested materials, combat traits, or the Gear Score of items you craft:

New World Engineer's Patience
Engineer’s Patience

For more information, please check out our Leveling Guide or Companies Guide.
