New World Arcana Guide

Arcana Guide (Updated Up To Patch 1.3.4)


Most MMORPG players are familiar with systems where you have to choose which profession you are going to learn. In New World, you can learn every Trading Skill without any restrictions, and this is fantastic about the game.

This is a true spirit of the frontier, of the newly discovered world, where you can craft yourself a weapon and armor that will never let you down in a battle, furniture for your house, new tools for gathering, potions, and you can craft this out of resources you picked by yourself. 

All Trading Skills in New World are divided into Crafting, Refining, and Gathering:

New World Trading Skills
Trading Skills

Arcana is a crafting skill that allows players to create Magical Weapons, Potions, and many other Arcana staff at the Arcana Repository. 

Arcane Repository Tier 5:

New World Arcane Repository Tier 5
Arcane Repository Tier 5

The Tiers of crafting stations determine the Tiers of items you can craft. Considering the crafting Taxes, choose the Settlement with the lowest ones. 

Note that the Refining fee doesn’t reduce with the Station Fee bonus cards and other bonuses.

The level of the Crafting and Refining stations, along with the Taxes, can be checked by clicking on the Town on the World Map:

New World Crafting Refining Taxes
Crafting, Refining, Taxes

Note: time is money, friend. Sometimes it’s way more profitable and practical to buy the ingredients at the Trading Post instead of farming them by yourself.

Roughly said, if you need 1000 Hyssop or Bulrush, and you have a character level 60 with 200 Mining / Harvesting, buy the Hyssop and use your time to mine Orichalcum Veins or collect high-level ingredients for a much better gold per hour result.

Besides, you can sell the ingredients you gathered and buy cheaper analogs, saving a lot of money this way. More information about the ingredients will be stated below.

Remember, you can craft potions at your Camp, so there is no need to return to town after collecting the ingredients.

Using Azoth In New World Crafting System

Adding Azoth to the crafted items gives you more Perks, Gem Slots, or Attributes depending on the item you craft. Don’t use it if you’re crafting lots of items to increase your Trading Skill level:

New World Adding Azoth
Adding Azoth

For example, crafting an Orichalcum Life Staff without Azoth has a low chance of adding a Gem Slot and Perk #2 and a medium chance for Perk #1:

New World Orichalcum Life Staff

By adding the maximum amount of Azoth for this weapon, we receive almost 100% chance of getting three additional bonuses:

New World Orichalcum Life Staff Crafting With Azoth

Every item has its own Azoth limit depending on the item Tier and Gear Score. If you use a Special Resource to add a perk, the Azoth amount required will be decreased to the previous stage, for example, 45 Azoth instead of 60:

New World Orichalcum Life Staff Azoth Limit

You can acquire Azoth in several ways. Main story quests give you a lot of Azoth, so don’t complete them if you’re close to the cap, which is 1000 Azoth. Sidequest also gives you some amount. 

It can be achieved by killing mobs randomly.

To get more Azoth, you can use Gathering Tools with the Azoth Extraction perk, for example:

New World Gathering Tool With Azoth Extraction Perk
Gathering Tool With Azoth Extraction Perk

And bags with Azoth Attuned perk:

New World Bag With Azoth Attuned Perk
Bag With Azoth Attuned Perk

The last way to gain Azoth is to buy it from Trading Post, it gives you 50 Azoth:

New World Vial of Suspended Azoth
Vial of Suspended Azoth

Item Perks

By crafting any item, you receive random Attributes and Perks. By adding Special Resources, obtainable from mobs and chests around the world or bought at the Trading Post, you can receive Attributes and Perks you need with a 100% chance:

New World Special Resource
Special Resource Adding

There are lots of options for magical weapons:

New World Special Resource Selection For Life Staff
Special Resource Selection

While most of the perks are bound to a specific weapon, some are pretty widely applicable for magical damage dealing weapons:

1. Keen:

New World Jagged Animal Claw
Jagged Animal Claw

2. Vicious:

New World Pristine Whetstone
Pristine Whetstone

3. Refreshing Move:

New World Starmetal Weaponsmith's Charm
Starmetal Weaponsmith’s Charm

The best perks for Life Staff are:

1. Blessed:

New World Silver of Crystalized Azoth
Silver of Crystalized Azoth

2. Fortifying Sacred Ground:

New World Starmetal Life Staff Charm
Starmetal Life Staff Charm

Timeless Shards

Timeless Shards enables players to craft a Magical Weapon with a specific Attribute on it while still being able to use a Craft Mod to guarantee a perk. They’re specific for each Weapon type:

New World Timeless Fire Staff Shard
Timeless Fire Staff Shard

To use the Timeless Shard, you need Arcana level 200, and ten Crafting Mods used to receive the Attribute you want. Timeless Shards can only be applied to Tier 5 Weapons, don’t offer Attribute combinations, and cannot be applied to the items that already have some cosmetic component:

New World Orichalcum Fire Staff

All variants will be listed if you have several sets of ten Craft Mods:

New World Timeless Fire Staff Craft Mod Sets
Timeless Fire Staff Craft Mod Sets

Timeless Shards are guaranteed to drop from Expedition Bosses and have a chance to drop from:

  1. Elite Supply Chests in Expeditions and Elite Landmarks;
  2. Any named mob 60+ level;
  3. Aptitude Crates from Crafting skills.

Ingredients Selecting System For Magical Weapons

There are three major kinds of recipes in New World. The first type allows you to choose the ingredients you want to use, the second type has a set list of items, and the last type requires a special item in your bag. 

Some of the recipes are opened automatically while you level up your Trading skill; others can be obtained randomly from the chests and mobs or bought at the Trading Post.

For the first type of recipe, you can choose the ingredients you are using to craft items. To see which ingredients you can use for crafting, click in the Ingredient window and unpin the Owned Items:

New World Ingredient Window

The Tier of the primary ingredient determines the Tier of the crafted item, so you cannot use, for example, Tier 5 primary ingredient for a Tier 3 item:

New World Select Tier 3 Timber

The tier and rarity of the secondary and tertiary ingredients impact the gear score of the item being crafted. There are no restrictions for the tier of the ingredients here.

Using high Tier rare ingredients will increase the maximum and minimum possible Gear Score of the item you craft, and, at the same time, its Armor Rating and Attribute number with character level requirements.

On the other hand, using lower compared to the item level Tier ingredients will decrease its Gear Score, bonuses, and level requirements.

The Gear Scores shown in the table are compared to what they would be if you used only common ingredients for that Tier. If the Tier of the item you craft is lower than the ingredient Tier, modifiers will stack and increase the possible Gear Score considering every Tier and rarity upgrade. 

If the Tier of the item you craft is higher than the ingredients you use, the possible Gear Score will reduce considering every Tier and rarity downgrade.

So, if you use Tier 5 Epic ingredients for Tier 2 item, you’ll receive +30 to the minimum and +15 to the maximum Gear Score. 

If you use Tier 2 ingredient for Tier 5 item, you’ll get -15 to the minimum Gear Score:

Ingredient TierRarityMinimum Possible Gear Score IncreasingMaximum Possible Gear Score Increasing
Tier 2:Common
Tier 3:Common
Common Special (Scaly Hide)+5
Tier 4:Common
Epic Special: (Animal Horn)+15
Tier 5:Common

Let’s see how this system works on a Steel Life Staff, which is a Tier 3 weapon. Using Tier 3 Lumber and basic Tier 2 secondary ingredients, you’ll receive the Life Staff with characteristics as on the screenshot below:

New World Steel Life Staff

It might have only 86-93 Primary Attack but requires character level 20-26 to use.

Adding Tier 3 Whisperwood as the main ingredient and Tier 5 Epic secondary and tertiary ingredients, you’ll increase the minimum and maximum potential Gear Score up to 370, while Primary Attack potential will be 86-101 and character level requirement level 20-33:

New World Steel Life Staff 2

The item you receive still has random characteristics, but higher tier ingredients usually mean receiving higher gear items.

How To Choose The Ingredients For Magical Weapons

While crafting, you can use various combinations of the ingredients depending on the Trading Post prices on your server. The prices are different on every server depending on its population and the number of crafters and gatherers.

Some ingredients are widely spread, some are used in high-end crafting, while some of them have extremely low prices due to the large volume of production combined with low usage. 

Refined materials usually cost less than the raw ones because the raw materials are used to increase the Refining Trading Skill level.

Note* prices may change several times a week. Buy resources at a low price, checking the Trading Post every day. Use Buy Orders.

Leather Ingredients

Let’s check the price for the Leather ingredients on Castle of Steel (US East).

New World Select Leathers
IngredientTierRarityPrice (Gold Per Item)
1.Coarse LeatherTier 2Common0,9
2.RagehideTier 2Uncommon1,0
3.ShadowfurTier 3Rare0,65
4.Scaly HideTier 3Common Special1,5
5.Rugged LeatherTier 3Common1,4
6.Layered LeatherTier 4Common4,7
7.ShifthideTier 4Epic2,2
8.Brightscale HideTier 4Epic2,0
9.Runic LeatherTier 5Epic148,0
10.SmolderhideTier 5Legendary11,0
11.Infused LeatherTier 5Common6,9
12.ScarhideTier 5Legendary11,2

What do those prices mean? As a default secondary material, the crafting system will propose to you the Coarse Leather, which sounds logical – Tier 2 common ingredient for Tier 2 item. 

Since it has the lowest Tier, it should have the lowest price, but usually, it doesn’t.

Even if you’re farming the Rawhide by yourself, it might be more profitable (depending on your Trading Taxes and prices) to sell it and buy Shadowfur, which is a Tier 3 rare ingredient but costs less due to its low usage.

While Brightscale Hide and Shifthide cost about 2 gold, they give you +15 to the minimum possible Gear Score and +5 to the maximum possible Gear Score for Tier 2 item, which is only a +5 increase to the minimum possible Gear Score compared to the Shadowfur.

Smolderhide and Scarhide will give you (for Tier 2 item) +20 to the possible minimum Gear Score and still +5 to the maximum possible Gear Score, which definitely is not worth this price.

Runic Leather gives +30 to the possible minimum Gear Score and +15 to the possible maximum Gear Score for Tier 2 item but costs ten times more than other ingredients because it is widely used in high-end items crafting and is limited in crafting to ten pieces per day for one player.

Refined Wood Ingredients

If we check out the prices for wood, this will be as follows on Castle of Steel:

New World Select Refined Wood
IngredientTierRarityPrice (Gold Per Item)
1.TimberTier 2Common1,3
2.Petrified WoodTier 2Uncommon0,14
3.WhisperwoodTier 3Rare0,5
4.LumberTier 3Common2,7
5.QuillbarkTier 4Epic4,6
6.EbonwoodTier 4Epic13,9
7.Wyrdwood PlanksTier 4Common5,9
8.Animal HornTier 4Epic Special13,25
9.BarbvineTier 5Legendary7,0
10.WildwoodTier 5Legendary6,3
11.Ironwood PlanksTier 5Common11,8
12.Glittering EbonyTier 5Epic62,0

So, a Tier 2 Uncommon ingredient, Petrified Wood, costs less and gives better results than Tier 2 Common ingredient, Timber. Quillbark seems to be the optimal choice to increase the Gear Score of the item you craft.

Metal Ingredients

As for the metals, the same regularity takes place:

New World Select Metals
IngredientTierRarityPrice (Gold Per Item)
1.Iron IngotTier 2Common0,5
2.Fae IronTier 2Uncommon0,45
3.VoidmetalTier 3Rare2,7
4.Steel IngotTier 3Common2,0
5.Blessed CrucibleTier 4Epic12,9
6.Azurite ChunkTier 4Epic7,6
7.Starmetal IngotTier 4Common8,3
8.AsmodeumTier 5Epic353,0
9.CinnabarTier 5Legendary15,5
10.Orichalcum IngotTier 5Common48,0
11.TolviumTier 5Common16,3

Using Fae Iron for leveling your Trading Skills will save you a lot of money, while Azurite Chunk seems to be the best choice to increase the possible Gear Score.

As for Asmodeum, it gives the best result for the highest price. Only 10 ingots per day can be crafted by one player.

Cloth Ingredients

If we take a look at the Cloth ingredients, the whole picture looks pretty the same:

New World Select Cloth
IngredientTierRarityPrice (Gold Per Item)
1.LinenTier 2Common0,6
2.ShadeclothTier 2Uncommon0,2
3.PhasefiberTier 3Rare2,0
4.SateenTier 3Common1,0
5.GlintstrandsTier 4Epic1,5
6.ScalecordTier 4Epic1,6
7.SilkTier 4Common4,7
8.PhoenixweaveTier 5Epic180,0
9.BlisterweaveTier 5Legendary18,9
10.Infused SilkTier 5Common7,9
11.ScaleclothTier 5Legendary14,4

For Trading Skills leveling, you can use Shadecloth instead of the more expensive Linen, and for higher Gear Score Scalecord and Glintstrands fit best for their price and performance ratio unless you’re crafting a high-end item.

Phoenixweave gives the best Gear Score bonuses but is expensive due to its high usage and crafting limits.

Ingredients Selecting System For Potions

As for the Potions, the situation is different. Alkahest has a bound set of ingredients:

New World Strong Alkahest
Strong Alkahest

Health, Mana, and all kinds of Regeneration potions use an Alkahest as the main ingredient, but the Tier of the secondary ingredients doesn’t change the result – the effect of the potion will be exactly the same, and no matter how rare ingredients you use:

New World Strong Health Potion
Strong Health Potion

The system only determines the type of the secondary ingredient. To see what  ingredients you can use for crafting, click in the Ingredient window and unpin the Owned Items:

New World Select Medicinal Reagents

Weapon coatings, Resistance potions, and Encumbrance potions require an ingredient of the specific type and Tier as the main one:

New World Strong Blight Tincture
Strong Blight Tincture

You cannot change Tier or type of the main ingredient, but you can change the Tier and type of the secondary ingredient. Anyway, it will not change the result:

New World Select Protective Reagents

How To Choose The Reagents For Potions

While crafting, you can use various combinations of the reagents depending on the Trading Post prices on your server. Even if the prices on your server don’t even look like the given ones, I hope those tables will help you to have a handy list of reagents and don’t run from the Arcane Repository to the Trading Post every time as I did.

Air Reagents

Let’s check the price for the Air Reagents on Castle of Steel. As you can see, there is a reagent with a lower price in every Tier. Besides, one reagent, Shockbulb Stem, cost 0,03 gold:

New World Select Air Reagents
IngredientTierRarityPrice (Gold Per Item)
1.Twistcap SpiralTier 2Common0,05
2.Air MoteTier 2Common0,7
3.Shockbulb StemTier 2Common0,03
4.Suncreeper TendrilTier 2Common0,78
5.Air WispTier 3Uncommon7,0
6.Shockbulb LeafTier 3Uncommon0,44
7.Shocking LodestoneTier 3Uncommon0,4
8.Air EssenceTier 4Rare
9.Shockbulb FlowerTier 4Rare1,58
10.Lightning BeetleTier 5Epic45,0
11.Air QuintessenceTier 5Epic22,0

Death Reagents

As for the Death Reagents prices, Putrid Lodestone can be bought for 0,3 gold, so it’s the cheapest Death reagent:

New World Select Death Reagents
IngredientTierRarityPrice (Gold Per Item)
1.Void PitcherTier 2Common1,75
2.Death MoteTier 2Common1,5
3.Blightroot StemTier 2Common0,5
4.Sporebloom FruitTier 2Common1,0
5.Death WispTier 3Uncommon20,0
6.Blightroot LeafTier 3Uncommon0,4
7.Putrid LodestoneTier 3Uncommon0,3
8.Blightroot FlowerTier 4Rare94,0
9.Death EssenceTier 4Rare24,8
10.Blightmoth DustTier 5Epic59,65
11.Poison SacTier 5Epic2,9
12.Death QuintessenceTier 5Epic89,0

Earth Reagents

Earth Reagents are pretty close to each other in price, and the cheapest is the Earth Mote:

New World Select Earth Reagents
IngredientTierRarityPrice (Gold Per Item)
1.PetalcapTier 2Common0,9
2.Earth MoteTier 2Common0,7
3.Earthspine StemTier 2Common0,85
4.Earth WispTier 3Uncommon12,5
5.Earthspine LeafTier 3Uncommon10,0
6.Loamy LodestoneTier 3Uncommon0,75
7.Earth EssenceTier 4Rare40,95
8.Earthspine FlowerTier 4Rare19,85
9.Earthshell TailTier 5Epic23,45
10.Earth QuintessenceTier 5Epic20,25

Fire Reagents

Fire Reagents can afford the cheapest reagent and it is the Dragonglory Stem:

New World Select Fire Reagents
IngredientTierRarityPrice (Gold Per Item)
1.Platecap FleshTier 2Common1,17
2.Fire MoteTier 2Common1,2
3.Bloodspore BloomTier 2Common0,45
4.Dragonglory StemTier 2Common0,28
5.Tendrilspine FibersTier 2Common0,85
6.Molten LodestoneTier 3Uncommon0,3
7.Fire WispTier 3Uncommon12,25
8.Dragonglory LeafTier 3Uncommon3,9
9.Fire EssenceTier 4Rare38,5
10.Dragonglory FlowerTier 4Rare2,2
11.Salamander SlimeTier 5Epic43,0
12.Fire QuintessenceTier 5Epic51.95

Life Reagents can offer only 1,05 gold for the cheapest reagent:

Life Reagents

New World Select Life Reagents
IngredientTierRarityPrice (Gold Per Item)
1.SpinecapTier 2Common2,0
2.Life MoteTier 2Common
3.Gillflower GillsTier 2Common1,9
4.Lifebloom StemTier 2Common1,2
5.TanglewispTier 2Common1,1
6.Gleaming LodestoneTier 3Uncommon1,05
7.Life WispTier 3Uncommon15,00
8.Lifebloom LeafTier 3Uncommon1,1
9.Life EssenceTier 4Rare32,0
10.Lifebloom FlowerTier 4Rare4,35
11.Lifemoth EyesTier 5Epic5,45
12.Life QuintessenceTier 5Epic44,0

Spirit Reagents

Spirit Reagent’s cheapest item costs 0,75 gold:

New World Select Spirit Reagents
IngredientTierRarityPrice (Gold Per Item)
1.BumbleblossomTier 2Common1,2
2.Soul MoteTier 2Common1,5
3.Shellbed CapTier 2Common2,0
4.Soulsprout StemTier 2Common1,42
5.TubecapTier 2Common
6.Soul WispTier 3Uncommon9,0
7.Soulsprout LeafTier 3Uncommon1,45
8.Crystalline LodestoneTier 3Uncommon0,75
9.Soulsprout FlowerTier 4Rare2,7
10.Soul EssenceTier 4Rare40,0
11.Soulwyrm TongueTier 5Epic1,9
12.Dragon Fish JawTier 5Epic1,62
13.Soul QuintessenceTier 5Epic60,5

Water Reagents

Water Reagents have a cheap Rivercress Stem for 0,15 gold:

New World Select Water Reagents
IngredientTierRarityPrice (Gold Per Item)
1.ToadpotTier 2Common0,9
2.Rivercress StemTier 2Common0,15
3.Water MoteTier 2Common0,58
4.Freezing LodestoneTier 3Uncommon0,67
5.Rivercress LeafTier 3Uncommon2,0
6.Water WispTier 3Uncommon5,3
7.Rivercress FlowerTier 4Rare4,3
8.Water EssenceTier 4Rare16,2
9.Piranha ToothTier 5Epic111,1
10.Spinefish FinsTier 5Epic10,05
11.Water QuintessenceTier 5Epic22,2

Medicinal Reagents

Medicinal Reagents have some intersections with other categories and are used for Health and Regeneration Potions. The cheapest ingredient is Bulrush Cob:

New World Select Medicinal Reagents
IngredientTierRarityPrice (Gold Per Item)
1.Bulrush CobTier 1Common1,0
2.Lifebloom StemTier 2Common1,2
3.Glowing Mushroom CapTier 2Common2,2
4.Sporebloom FruitTier 2Common10,0
5.Platecap FleshTier 2Common1,17
6.Gillflower GillsTier 2Common1,9
7.Halibut VisceraTier 3Uncommon2,05
8.Gleaming LodestoneTier 3Uncommon1,05
9.Sculpin ScalesTier 3Uncommon1,4
10.Lifebloom LeafTier 3Uncommon1,1
11.Lifebloom FlowerTier 4Rare4,35
12.Lifemoth EyesTier 5Epic5,45
13.Poison SacTier 5Epic2,9

Magical Reagents

Magical Reagents are used in Mana Potions:

New World Select Magical Reagents
IngredientTierRarityPrice (Gold Per Item)
1.Briar BudsTier 1Common0,68
2.Soulsprout StemTier 2Common1,42
3.Suncreeper TendrilTier 2Common0,78
4.BumbleblossomTier 2Common1,2
5.TanglewispTier 2Common1,1
6.Crystalline LodestoneTier 3Uncommon0,75
7.Soulsprout LeafTier 3Uncommon1,45
8.Frogfish TailTier 3Uncommon1,0
9.Snail SlimeTier 3Uncommon100,0
10.Mushroom FinsTier 3Uncommon0,18
11.Paddlefish GillsTier 3Uncommon0,48
12.Catfish WhiskersTier 3Uncommon0,13
13.Soulsprout FlowerTier 4Rare2,7
14.Soulwyrm TongueTier 5Epic1,9
15.Dragon Fish JawTier 5Epic1,62

Offensive Reagents

Offensive Reagents are used in Weapon Coating Potions and have a variety of cheap ingredients in every Tier:

New World Select Offensive Reagents
IngredientTierRarityPrice (Gold Per Item)
1.Void PitcherTier 2Common1,75
2.Thorny VineTier 2Common0,01
3.Blightroot StemTier 2Common0,5
4.Dragonglory StemTier 2Common0,28
5.Bloodspore BloomTier 2Common0,45
6.TubecapTier 2Common
7.Tendrilspine FibersTier 2Common0,85
8.Shockbulb StemTier 2Common0,03
9.Fungal SlimeTier 3Uncommon0,1
10.Blightroot LeafTier 3Uncommon0,4
11.Dragonglory LeafTier 3Uncommon3,9
12.Shocking LodestoneTier 3Uncommon0,4
13.Molten LodestoneTier 3Uncommon0,3
14.Putrid LodestoneTier 3Uncommon0,3
15.Shockbulb LeafTier 3Uncommon0,44
16.Animal EyeTier 4Rare0,58
17.Blightroot FlowerTier 4Rare94,0
18.Dragonglory FlowerTier 4Rare2,2
19.Madtom ToxinsTier 4Rare1,2
20.StarfishTier 4Rare0,77
21.Shockbulb FlowerTier 4Rare1,58
22.Salamander SlimeTier 5Epic43,0
23.Blightmoth DustTier 5Epic59,65
24.Lightning BeetleTier 5Epic45,0
25.Piranha ToothTier 5Epic111,1

Protective Reagents

Protective Reagents are used in Resistance Consumables:

New World Protective Reagents
IngredientTierRarityPrice (Gold Per Item)
1.SpinecapTier 2Common2,0
2.Twistcap SpiralTier 2Common0,05
3.Earthspine StemTier 2Common0,85
4.Shellbed CapTier 2Common2,0
5.ToadpotTier 2Common0,9
6.PetalcapTier 2Common0,9
7.Rivercress StemTier 2Common0,15
8.Fungal SporesTier 3Uncommon1,4
9.Loamy LodestoneTier 3Uncommon0,75
10.Earthspine LeafTier 3Uncommon10,0
11.Freezing LodestoneTier 3Uncommon0,67
12.Toadstool FringeTier 3Uncommon1,44
13.Rivercress LeafTier 3Uncommon2,0
14.Animal VisceraTier 4Rare5,0
15.Earthspine FlowerTier 4Rare19,85
16.Cod EyeTier 4Rare3,0
17.Rivercress FlowerTier 4Rare4,3
18.Earthshell TailTier 5Epic23,45
19.Spinefish FinsTier 5Epic10,05

Leveling Arcana

Note: take town Taxes into account.

Salvaging the Fire Staff or Life Staff will return back 1-4 (2,4 average) Common Wood of the specific Tier per item; salvaging Void Gauntlet or Ice Gauntlet will return 1-2 (1,2 average) Common Leather of the particular Tier per item no matter the rareness of the ingredients you used. 

Potions cannot be salvaged.

To minmax the number of ingredients returns back on salvaging, you can put 100 points into Focus:

New World 100 Breakpoint

To calculate which way is more profitable on your server, count the price for the item first, then follow the formula: 

XP gained per item / crafting price, gold = XP received per 1 coin. 

For example, if the price for one craft is 10 gold, and you receive 120 XP, then it’s 12 XP per coin.

If you want to farm ingredients by yourself, for more information, please check the links to our Wood, Leathers, Metals, and Motes Guides. Don’t forget to use Proficiency Boosters while farming.

Also, you’ll need a lot of Hyssops. One of the best spots is near the First Light:

New World First Light Map

Another spot is near Everfall:

New World Everfall

The Bulrush can be collected near Weaver’s Fen, or just around lakes and rivers in any zone.

For example, water price will not be counted since you can just fill your basket in the center of Windsward. Usually, it’s about 0,02 gold.

If you decide to use Iron Ingots, Timber, Coarse Leather, and Motes because they cost less on your server, please check our Smelting, Woodworking, Weaving, and Leatherworking Guides, use special Armor sets to increase the yield. Use Tier 5 refining agents to get bonus ingredients.

Leveling Arcana By Motes Recrafting

If the prices for Wisps, Essences and Quintessences on your server are less or equal to Motes, then you have a fantastic way to level Arcana starting from level 25. Just buy Motes, recraft and sell them. Don’t concentrate on only one kind, and don’t buy or sell thousands of them at once, because you’ll break the market price.

This way of crafting can be used as a secondary option. Treat it like a little additional source of a free XP. The number of ingredients required to level Arcana up to 150 is too high.

Per 1MotesWispEssence

First of all, you need 3 284 crafts to level Arcana from 25 to 75 level, which require 16 240 Motes in total:

New World Air Wisp
Air Wisp

Then you’ll have to craft 8 259 Essences from 75 to 125, which means you need 33 036 Wisps or 165 180 Motes:

New World Air Essence
Air Essence

In theory, you can continue crafting Air Quintessence from level 125 up to level 200 Arcana, but this will require 37 086 crafting, or 111 258 Essences, 445 032 Wisps, and 2 225 160 Motes, which is way more than any server economy can work out:

New World Air Quintessence
Air Quintessence

Leveling Arcana By Crafting Dungeon Weapon Replicas

If you have access to the special items required to craft dungeon replicas Weapons, this may be a nice way to level Arcana up to level 150 due to a great XP per coin ratio because they give twice more XP compared to other weapons of this Tier, requiring only 1 Mote of a certain type.

These special items can be farmed or bought at the Trading House.

For example, on level 60 Arcana, you’ll have access to Amrine Temple and  Shattered Obelisk replicas. The number of XP received per coin mostly depends on the price of the special ingredients – Vials, Treatises, Talismans, etc.

You can choose between Gloves and Staves depending on what is cheaper on your server – Leather or Wood. Take into account the price for the Mote:

New World Amrine Temple Ice Gauntlet
Amrine Temple Ice Gauntlet
New World Obelisk Guard Fire Staff
Obelisk Guard Fire Staff

On level 110 Arcana, you can craft the Depths and Dynasty Shipyard replicas:

New World Deepwatcher Ice Gauntlet
Deepwatcher Ice Gauntlet
New World Shipyard Sentinel Fire Staff
Shipyard Sentinel Fire Staff

At last, at level 160 Arcana, you’ll be able to craft Lazarus Instrumentality and Garden of Genesis replicas:

New World Lazarus Watcher Ice Gauntlet
Lazarus Watcher Ice Gauntlet
New World Garden Keeper Fire Staff
Garden Keeper Fire Staff

Leveling Arcana By Bulk Crafting

1. 0-50 Arcana Leveling

To increase Arcana from 0 to 50 you need 11 995 XP. For Tier 2 crafting the XP received is calculated as follows: 

Quantity of Ingredients x 12 XP = XP Output

You have several options for Arcana leveling: weapons and potions. Probably you will not be able to sell low-level potions, nor weapons, those low-leveled potions can be sold if they’re used in the Town Board quests. 

So, you have to decide which ingredients are cheaper on your server and if you will collect the ingredients by yourself or just buy them and spend time on something more profitable.

1.1. Usually, the best option is crafting Common Blight Tincture and Common Corrupture Tincture. They’re available since level 0 and require Water instead of Alkahest, granting about 360 XP per gold spent:

New World Common Blight Tincture And Common Corrupture Tincture Crafting
Common Blight Tincture And Common Corrupture Tincture Crafting

To level Arcana up to level 50 this way, you have to craft 334 potions of any kind. 

1.2. If you have no cheap Tier 2 Protective Reagents but have cheap Oil on your server, Coatings might also be a nice option. They’re becoming available at levels 7-11 Arcana and require an Offensive Tier 2 reagent plus certain elemental reagent, so choose whatever is cheaper:

New World Common Beast Coating
Common Beast Coating

Thorny Vine is easy to collect, while Shockbulb Stem doesn’t cost too much. Depending on your Oil server pricing, it gives about 40-90 XP per coin. If taking it as a 7-50 leveling, then it’ll require crafting 310 potions.

1.3. As for the weapons, since Tier 2 Wood is usually cheaper, Iron Fire Staff might be the best choice on most servers, but take the Mote price into account. If Life Mote is cheaper, you can craft an Iron Life Staff:

New World Iron Fire Staff
Iron Fire Staff

For example, it gives about 21 XP per coin on Castle of Steel server due to the high price on Motes. To craft 44 Iron Fire Staves you’ll need:

352 Tier 2 Wood;

220 Metals;

176 Leather;

264 Fire Motes

1.4. If Tier 2 Leather costs less than Tier 2 Wood on your server, you can craft Ice or Void Gauntlets depending on which Mote is cheaper:

New World Iron Ice Gauntlet
Iron Ice Gauntlet

They give the same amount of XP as the Iron Staves, so to craft 44 Iron Gauntlets you need:

352 Tier 2 Leather;

220 Cloth;

176 Metal;

264 Water Motes

1.5. If you want to collect the ingredients on your own, collect Bulrush Cobs or Briar Buds and craft the cheapest potions. 

On level 0 Arcana, you have access to Weak Alcahest, Weak Mana Potion, and Weak Health Potion, but the number of XP they give is too low. Crafting them might be profitable if there are new players and Town Board missions on your server.

On level 1 Arcana, you can craft Common Alcahest and Common Health Potion, on level 2 – Common Mana Potion, on level 3 – Common Regeneration Potion, and on level 5 – Common Focus Potion. 

Usually, Magical Reagents cost less, so you’ll need to craft 274 Common Alcahest, which requires 1 096 Hyssops and 274 Water:

New World Common Alkahest
Common Alkahest

Then, craft 274 Common Mana Potions, adding 274 cheapest Magical Reagents to those 274 Common Alcahest. As for the XP per coin ratio, both Alkahest and Common Potions give about 14 XP per coin:

New World Common Mana Potion
Common Mana Potion

Common Focus Potion is an alternative way of leveling. It takes the same number of ingredients but requires Water reagents.

2. 50-100 Arcana Leveling

To increase Arcana from 50 to 100 you need 130 390 XP. For Tier 3 crafting the XP received is calculated as follows: 

Quantity of Ingredients x 42 XP = XP Output

2.1. Actually, you can continue crafting Common Blight Tincture and Common Corrupture Tincture, it’ll take 3 622 crafts. 

2.2. Strong Blight and Strong Corrupture Tinctures give less XP per coin, but, of course, that depends on the price of Tier 3 Protective reagents. They still require Water, giving about 180 XP per coin. 

You’ll need 1 035 crafts to achieve 100 Arcana:

New World Strong Blight Tincture And Strong Corruption Tincture

2.3. On levels 62-65 Arcana, you can craft Strong Ward and Absorption Potions. They require Tier 3 Protective Reagent plus certain Elemental reagent and Water, so this option can be recommended if you don’t have inexpensive Air or Water reagents for Strong Blight or Strong Corrupted Tinctures, but have cheap other Elemental reagents instead. 

For example:

New World Strong Angry Earth Ward Potion

2.4. At level 56 Arcana, you are able to craft a Strong Encumbrance Potion. It requires Tier 3 Earth Reagent, Fire Reagent and Water, so it gives about 122 XP per coin. 

Getting from 56 to 100 Arcana will require 990 crafts:

New World Strong Encumbrance Potion

2.5. From level 57 to level 61 Arcana, you’ll obtain access to all Tier 3 Coatings. Since they require Oil instead of Water, their XP per coin ratio is usually worse. On Castle of Steel high Oil prices are balanced by low prices on other reagents, so it gives the same 122 XP per coin:

New World Strong Beast Coating

2.6. If you want to level Arcana by crafting weapons, you need Water Motes for Steel Ice Gauntlet or Death Motes for Steel Void Gauntlet.

For Castle of Steel, they both give about 84 XP per coin:

New World Steel Ice Gauntlet

Crafting 135 Steel Ice Gauntlets will require:

1 080 Tier 3 Leathers;

675 Cloth;

540 Metals;

810 Water (or Death for Void Gauntlet) Motes

2.7. If Tier 3 Wood is cheaper than Tier 3 Leather, craft Steel Fire Staff or Steel Life Staff:

New World Steel Fire Staff

For level 100 Arcana, you’ll need 135 crafts, which require:

1 080 Tier 3 Leathers;

675 Metals;

540 Leathers;

810 Fire (or Life) Motes

2.8. If you want to level Arcana with Health or Mana potions, first, you’ll need 777 Strong Alcahest, which requires 4 662 Hyssops and 777 Water:

New World Strong Alkahest

On level 50 Arcana, you gain access to Strong Health Potion, on level 52 – Strong Mana Potion, on level 53 – Strong Regeneration Potion, and on level 55 – Strong Focus Potion.

Depending on what is cheaper on your server, you can craft any of them. For example, let’s count it with a Strong Health Potion:

New World Strong Health Potion

This will require 777 Strong Alkahests, Medicinal Reagents, and Earth Reagents. Approximately XP per coin rate is about 30 (49 for Strong Mana Potion) for Castle of Steel server prices.

3. 100-150 Arcana Leveling

In Tier 4 crafting, you need to earn 863 235 XP from level 100 to level 150 Arcana. The crafting  XP is calculated as follows: 

Quantity of Ingredients x 147 XP = XP Output

3.1. Crafting Common (23 979 crafts) or Strong (6 852) Blight and Corrupture Tinctures is still an option if the reagents required are cheap enough.

Also, you can craft Strong Ward and Absorption Potions, which gives pretty the same amount of XP per coin ratio. 

3.2. From level 107 to level 111 Arcana, you obtain access to all Tier 4 Coatings. They require Tier 4 Offensive Reagent, if it doesn’t cost too much, you’ll receive about 310-350 XP per coin, depending on the Oil price. You’ll have to craft 1 469 potions:

New World Poweful Beast Coating

3.3. If Tier 4 Protective Reagents cost less than the Offensive ones on your server, Powerful Blight and Corrupture Tinctures might be an option, but they give less XP and require only two Reagents and Water, giving about 140 XP per coin.

You’ll need 1 958 crafts to achieve 150 Arcana:

New World Powerful Corruption Tincture And Powerful Blight Tincture

3.4. On levels 112-115 Arcana, you can craft Powerful Ward and Absorption Potions. They also require Tier 4 Protective Reagent, Spirit Reagent plus certain Elemental Reagent and Water. Usually, they grant more XP per coin than Strong Blight or Strong Corrupted Tinctures, because you need two reagents of any Tier and one expensive Tier 4 reagent while XP formula is still 147 XP per one ingredient.

For Castle of Steel prices, they give about 152 XP per coin:

New World Powerful Lost Ward Potion

3.5. As for weapon crafting, usually Tier 4 Leather costs less than Tier 4 Wood. Also, check which Motes are cheaper, Water or Death:

New World Starmetal Ice Gauntlet

For Castle of Steel, Starmetal Ice Gauntlet gives about 152 XP per coin.

Crafting 256 Starmetal Ice Gauntlets will require:

2 048 Tier 4 Leathers;

1 280 Cloth;

1 024 Metals;

1 536 Water (or Death for Void Gauntlet) Motes

3.6. If you can buy or find Tier 4 Wood cheaper than Tier 4 Leather, craft Starmetal Fire Staff or Starmetal Life Staff:

New World Starmetal Fire Staff

For level 150 Arcana you’ll need 256 crafts, which require:

2 048 Tier 4 Wood;

1 280 Metals;

1 024 Leathers;

1 536 Fire (or Life) Motes

3.7. An option of leveling Arcana with Health or Mana potions is also available, first, you’ll need 1 242 Powerful Alcahest, which requires 9 936 Hyssops and 1 242 Water:

New World Powerful Alkahest

On level 100 Arcana, you gain access to Powerful Health Potion, on level 102 – Powerful Mana Potion, on level 103 – Powerful Regeneration Potion, and on level 105 – Powerful Focus Potion.

Depending on what is cheaper on your server, you can craft any of them. For example, Powerful Health Potion:

New World Powerful Health Potion

This will require 1 242 Strong Alkahests, Medicinal Reagents, Earth Reagents, and Spirit Reagents. Approximately XP per coin rate is 104 (140 for Powerful Mana Potion) for the prices on the Castle of Steel server.

3.8. At level 106 Arcana, you are able to craft a Strong Encumbrance Potion. It requires Tier 4 Earth Reagent, which is usually pretty expensive, Fire Reagent, Air Reagent and Water. It gives only 29 XP per coin:

New World Powerful Encumbrance Potion

4. 150-200 Arcana leveling

This is the hardest part because you need 4 117 120 XP from level 150 to level 200. The crafting XP for Tier 5 is calculated as follows: 

Quantity of Ingredients x 412 XP = XP Output

4.1. Everything is different here. Now you have access to high-end potions. From now on, the most profitable option is not the one that gives you the best XP per coin ratio but the one which gives the best net cost per market price ratio.

Prices can change a lot, so don’t craft thousands of potions of the same kind at once.

First of all, check the prices for every potion on your server and count the net cost. On some servers, Infused Health and Mana Potions cost less than the reagents, while Infused Regeneration Potion has a much better price. You can also try to sell Infused Alkahest if it costs more than the reagents it requires.

You’ll need 2 181 Infused Alcahest, which requires 21 810 Hyssops, 2 181 Water, and 2 181 Azoth Water:

New World Infused Alkahest

On level 150 Arcana, you gain access to Powerful Health Potion, on level 152 – Powerful Mana Potion, on level 153 – Powerful Regeneration Potion, and on level 155 – Powerful Focus Potion:

New World Infused Regeneration Potion

Leveling Arcana this way will require 2 181 Infused Alkahests, Medicinal Reagents, Life Reagents, and Spirit Reagents. Approximately XP per coin ratio is 157 for the prices on Castle of Steel server.

4.2. From level 157 to level 161 Arcana, you’ll obtain access to all Tier 5 Infused Coatings. Usually, they are being used in Mutated Expeditions, so probably the most expensive will be Corrupted, Angry Earth, and Ancient Coatings.

While they cannot afford a nice XP per coin ratio, due to the expensive Tier 5 Offensive Reagent (about 38), you can sell them and earn some gold if the price is high enough on your server:

New World Infused Angry Earth Coating

4.3. Powerful Blight and Corrupture Tinctures are also great for leveling Arcana, they don’t give a lot of XP per coin (about 123), but you’ll probably sell them for a nice price. Theoretically, you need 3 332 crafts to achieve 200 Arcana but don’t craft so many at once:

New World Infused Blight Tincture And Infused Corruption Tincture

4.4. On levels 162-165 Arcana, you can craft Infused Ward and Absorption Potions. They require Tier 5 Offensive Reagent, which is pretty expensive on most servers. 

If you still decide to level this way, put your attention to Corrupted, Angry Earth and Ancient Ward Potions, along with Fire and Void Absorption; they’ll find their usage in Mutated Expeditions.

For Castle of Steel prices XP per coin ratio is about 36 XP per coin:

New World Infused Angry Earth Coating

4.5. At level 156 Arcana, you can craft an Infused Encumbrance Potion. Since it requires Tier 5 Earth Reagent and is not very popular among players, I cannot recommend you to level Arcana this way. 

The net cost will be about 20 gold per one, so it gives 80 XP per coin:

New World Infused Encumbrance Potion

4.6. In most cases, leveling Arcana by crafting weapons takes too much gold, which you’ll never return back. Weapons of this level cost almost nothing at the Trading Post, and you cannot get a nice chance on crafting 600 GS weapons before you reach level 200 Arcana. 

So, you receive only about 154 XP per coin, which is pretty low and you have to salvage everything you craft:

New World Orichalcum Ice Gauntlet

To reach level 200, you’ll need 435 crafts, which require:

3 480 Tier 5 Leathers;

2 175 Cloth;

1 740 Metals;

2 610 Water (or Death for Void Gauntlet) Motes

4.7. If you can buy or find Tier 5 Wood cheaper than Tier 5 Leather and still want to level Arcana this way, craft Orichalcum Fire Staff or Orichalcum Life Staff:

New World Orichalcum Fire Staff 2

For level 200 Arcana, you’ll need 435 crafts, which require:

3 480 Tier 5 Wood;

2 175 Metals;

1 740 Leathers;

2 610 Fire (or Life) Motes

Arcana Artifacts

On reaching level 200 Arcana, you’ll be able to craft Legendary 600 Gear Score Magical Weapons. Those weapons require Arcane Repository Tier 5 and a specific Artifact Ingredient (without it they’re not shown in the crafting list), including other high-tier ingredients. All of these Weapons are bound on pickup and cannot be traded.

Being an Arcanist allows to craft:

TypeNameArtifact IngredientSpecial Ingredient
Life StaffGortan’s Tainted StaffBlessed ScepterLife Crystal Core
Fire StaffMeteor TrailPetrified FireFire Crystal Core
Void GauntletNothingnessEmpty Ancient HeartVoid Crystal Core
Ice GauntletCrystalline CurseEternal IceIce Crystal Core

Aptitude System

After reaching level 200 Arcana, you will continue to gain XP for crafting but it will increase your Aptitude Counter. Each Aptitude Level is split into 3 equal parts, and each one gives you a reward cache:

New World Arcana Aptitude System

Once you complete a whole Aptitude Level, your Counter goes up by one, so you can check how many you progress in this Trading Skill, and you start over. The Aptitude Counter number doesn’t affect anything like chances of receiving items from the Aptitude Boxes and doesn’t have a max level:

New World Arcana Materials Packages

1/3 – 474,936 experience, Parcel of Arcana Materials.

2/3 – 949,872 experience, Crate of Arcana Materials.

3/3 – 1,424,808 experience, Package of Specialized Arcana Materials.

The rewards can change from simple Item Perk, Timeless Shards to rare ingredients and patterns from the Package of Specialized Arcana Materials:

New World Soaked Fire Staff Pattern
Soaked Fire Staff Pattern

The Equipment Patterns are crafting artifacts that will allow you to craft a guaranteed Gear Score 600 item with a specific and unique appearance.

The patterns will require a significant amount of high-end crafting resources to

create, players will have the normal amount of control over the outcome of the perks using Crafting Mods and Azoth.

Maximizing The Arcana

Basic Tier 5 items Gear Score crafted with Tier 5 common ingredients is 500. To increase the minimum and maximum Gear Score of the crafted Magical Weapons, you can use modifiers to reach 595-600 diapason and receive a 17% chance for a perfect 600 Gear Score item:

ModifierMinimum Gear Score IncreasingMaximum Gear Score Increasing
Concocter’s / Arcanist Set + Earring+15+15
Trophies x3+15
200 Level Bonus+25
Tier 5 Epic Ingredients x3+45+45
Lifestyle Project+5

Arcana Equip

There is a set of special armor for every Trading Skill. Arcanist Set is Tier 4, and Concocter’s Set is Tier 5. Every part gives you +2 Item Quality for the Magical Weapons you craft, which means a +10 bonus can be obtained wearing a full set.

Arcanist Set consists of:

New World Arcanist Shirt
Arcanist Shirt
  • Arcanist Specs (looted from Baines in Genesis of Malevolence, Edengrove);
  • Arcanist Shirt (looted from Elite Ancient Chests and dropped from mobs in the Tangle, Shattered Mountain); 
  • Arcanist Pants (looted from the Siren’s Dog, Siren’s Stand, Reekwater);
  • Arcanist Gloves (looted from Elite Ancient Chests and dropped from mobs and bosses in Eternal Pool, Reekwater);
  • Arcanist Shoes (looted from Elite Ancient Chests and dropped from mobs and bosses in Upper Harrow, Shattered Mountain).

Concocter’s Set consists of:

New World Concoster's Coat
Concoster’s Coat
  • Concocter’s Hat (looted from Elite Ancient Chests and dropped from mobs and bosses in Eternal Pool, Reekwater);
  • Concocter’s Coat (looted from Elite Ancient Chests and dropped from mobs and bosses in Imperial Palace, Ebonscale Reach); 
  • Concocter’s Pants (looted from Elite Ancient Chests and dropped from mobs and bosses in Upper Harrow, Shattered Mountain);
  • Concocter’s Gloves (looted from Elite Ancient Chests and dropped from mobs and bosses in Malevolence, Edengrove);
  • Concocter’s Shoes (looted from Elite Ancient Chests and dropped from mobs in Stranglepitch Road, Great Cleave).

Arcanist Mastery perk can be found on the Earring. You can craft it with Jewelcrafting using the Orichalcum Arcanist’s Charm:

New World Orichalcum Arcanist’s Charm
Orichalcum Arcanist’s Charm

Those earrings can be from 380 Gear Score (32 character level required) up to 600 Gear Score, but the Gear Score of the item doesn’t change the Arcanist bonus:

New World Imbued Pristine Opal Earring of the Sentry
Imbued Pristine Opal Earring of the Sentry

Arcanist Food

Wild Berry Compote increases your minimum and maximum Gear Score when crafting Magical Weapons by 10. The recipe is obtained automatically on 54 Cooking Skill:

New World Wild Berry Compote

Berry Brew increases your minimum and maximum Gear Score when crafting Arcanist items by 12. The recipe is a random drop from Provision Stockpiles and Crates, can be bought from the Trading Post and requires 104 Cooking Skill:

New World Berry Brew

Sweet Wild Berry Infusion increases your minimum and maximum Gear Score when crafting Magical Weapons by 15. The recipe is a random drop from Provision Stockpiles and Crates, can be bought from the Trading Post, and requires 154 Cooking Skill:

New World Sweet Wild Berry Infusion

Arcana Trophies

Arcana Crafting Trophy grants a bonus when you craft Magical Weapons. On Tier 2 you have +3 Minimum Gear Score Bonus; on Tier 3 you’ll have a Minimum Gear Score Bonus of 4, and on Tier 5, a Minimum Gear Score Bonus of 5:

New World Minor Arcana Crafting Trophy
Minor Arcana Crafting Trophy

Trophies are unique furnishings for Houses in New World that are not bound to the Territory you own a House, and you always benefit from your Trophy buffs. You can’t place the same Trophy in one house multiple times, but you can place that same Trophy in each of your houses since the effects are stacking, which grants you a +15 Gear Score Bonus. For more information, please, check our Trophies Guide.

To craft Tier 3 Basic Arcana Crafting Trophy, you’ll need Ancients Texts, which is a rare drop from Large Chests and Stockpiles in zones level 35+, Crate of Furnishing Materials, and can be bought from the Trading Post:

New World Basic Arcana Crafting Trophy
Basic Arcana Crafting Trophy
New World Ancient Texts
Ancient Texts

To craft Tier 4 Major Arcana Crafting Trophy, you’ll need Philosopher’s Stone, which is a rare drop from Large Chests and Stockpiles in zones level 55+ and can be bought from the Trading Post:

New World Major Arcana Crafting Trophy
Major Arcana Crafting Trophy
New World Philosopher's Stone
Philosopher’s Stone

Improve Lifestyle Projects

Town Projects are community quests that give the opportunity to upgrade a specific part of a settlement. A town project can be started by the territory’s Governor, after which any player in the controlling faction can contribute by completing special tasks:

New World Company Town Projects

The Improve Lifestyle Projects grant a bonus lasts 3 days to the quantity of harvested materials, combat traits, or the Gear Score of items you craft:

New World Arcanist's Wisdom

For more information, please, check our Leveling Guide or Companies Guide.
